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I don't understand.

One second, there's no one there, and the next, a person in a spandex suit is standing in front of me.   "You must be Spiderman."  

What? Why would I say that? Stupid, stupid, stupid. Of course he's Spiderman. Who else would he be? The Hulk?  

But, Spiderman nodded. "And you are?" He asked, tilting his head.  

"Um..." I trailed off. I didn't want to say my real name. Besides, he had a secret identity, why couldn't I? "I'd rather not say."  

Spiderman took a step closer to me. "I saw you shoot a web to get up here," he said menacingly. "Now, who are you?"  

I gulped, and took a step back. "J-just a new girl in town. I promise, I don't understand these powers, and I swear, I'm not a criminal," I rushed.  

Spiderman sighed. "You're stubborn," he observed.  

I chuckled. "My father used to say that my stubbornness was my best weapon," I murmured to myself.  

"I still have questions though," Spiderman told me, and I hesitated before nodding. "One, why are you here?" he asked.  

"A new start. New home, new friends," I told him. He didn't look happy with my answer, but I ignored it.  

"How did you sling that web?" He asked.  

I pursed my lips. I had been dying to tell someone since it happened, but Dr. Stacy had made me promise. But Spiderman was a lot like me, right?  

"I...was an experiment," I said, deciding to tell the truth. "At my old home, I was an intern for a doctor. She wanted to experiment on someone, and chose me. I realized the powers were forming, but kept it from her," I continued, slipping into my memories. "I knew she would perform more experiments if she knew it had worked. So I lied, saying nothing had happened. I moved here shortly after the internship was over." I finished my story, and waited.  

Spiderman was silent for a while, and I began to play with the strings on my hoodie. "What kind of experiment?" he asked.  

I shrugged. "She said she had 'connections'. A box of spiders came in, and she had one bite me," I explained. I always wondered about the spider. Was it magical? A special breed?  

"A spider bite?" Spiderman asked. I nodded. "How long ago was this?" he asked.  

I thought about it. "Well... I started the internship in the beginning of the summer. I wasn't bitten by the spider until about a week or so ago," I said. "Why?"  

Spiderman crossed his arms. "Do you know how to use your powers?" he asked.

I shook my head violently. "I'm too terrified," I replied.  

Spiderman looked at the sky for a bit and sighed. "I can teach you."

-_-_-_-_Peter's POV-_-_-_-_

While the girl was telling me her story, I couldn't help but notice the bright red hair peeking out from her hood, and I had to focus on not getting lost in her cyan eyes. When I offered to help her control her powers, I kind of regretted it. What if she was lying?  

But then again, it would be nice to have some help. And the way her eyes lit up when I mentioned helping her, I just had to smile.  

She reminded me of a little kid on Christmas Day.

"Will you really?" She asked, excited but I could hear a faint wisp of worry.  

I nodded, and she tackled me in a hug. "Oh yay yay yay!" she squealed, jumping all around.  

I watched in amusement for a few minutes before she stopped. "Can the first thing be how to not use this web thing?" she asked, holding out her wrist. The silvery web flew at me, and I had to turn quickly to avoid it. "Sorry!" she rushed, putting her hands behind her back. I just chuckled at her.  

"I think that will have to be the first thing we work on," I told her, and she nodded sheepishly.  

" do you control it?" She asked.  

"I have to use a certain hand motion in order for it to work," I explained, then demonstrated.  

"A hand motion..." she thought aloud, then tried the same motion I did. She pressed her lips together when it didn't work.  

"It's probably different for you," I encouraged. "Try what you did before."  

"But that was an accident," she said, with a whiny tone.  

I chuckled at her childish attitude. "Just try it."  

She took a deep breath, then flung her hand out, with her fingers stretched.  


She huffed and tried again, this time with her fingers slightly curled. The web flew out into the nightsky, and she grinned, proud of herself.  

"Good," I said, smiling. She smiled at me, then frowned.   "But that doesn't teach me how to not do it," she said.  

"Just don't do that motion when in public, and you're set," I chuckled.

She yawned, and shook her head as if trying to wake herself.   I turned east, and saw the sky was beginning to lighten. I hadn't realized how late -early, whatever- it was. "How about we meet here again tonight. Ten o'clock?" I suggested.  

She nodded. "Sounds good to me."

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