Twenty One

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-_-_-_-Rayne's POV-_-_-_-

I really didn't want to go home. In fact, I'd do anything to stay as far away from there as possible. 

But Peter steered me to the apartment, refusing any excuse I gave him. 

When we stepped through the door, my body collapsed into the sofa. I should be doing something. I could go through some more of Kim's files, or go on patrol around the city, or- 

"No," Peter stated, and I realized I had said all that aloud. "You're going to bed, no objections." 

"But I don't want to," I griped, holding a pillow to my face. 

I heard him sigh, and then Peter was gently pulling the pillow from my face. "Please, Rayne," he pleaded. 

"Fine," I huffed, but made no move to get up. He raised his eyebrows, and I raised my arms, giving him a puppy dog look. "Carry me?" 

He chuckled, and lifted me up bridal style. "You're lazy," he told me, smirking slightly. 

"You're stating facts," I replied, giggling. 

When we got into my room, he gently laid me down, and I cuddled into my pillow. "Do you really have to go back to school?" I asked, looking up at him. 

"If I want to continue being a student, yes," he chuckled. 

"Didn't Gwen tell you to stay with me, though?" I countered. 

"I'm sure she'll understand." He rolled his eyes, and kissed my forehead. "Keep your phone with you, alright? I'll call you every hour to make sure you're okay." 

"What if I fall asleep?" I asked, sitting up, and grinning. 

"You're such a kid," Peter sighed, and made his way to the door. "If anything happens, call me, alright?" 

I nodded, smiling softly at how worried he was. "Peter," I called, before he could walk out the door. He turned, with his eyebrows raised, and I don't know what came over me - I leapt out of my bed, and tackled him in a hug. My face was buried in his chest, and my arms were wrapped around his torso. 

I could tell he was surprised, but he wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked. 

I felt my walls beginning to break, but I struggled to keep my cool. "I'm fine," I said, not letting go. 

His hand lifted up my chin, and his eyes held worry. "Rayne?" 

My eyelids started to feel heavy, and I suspected it was because of that mysterious green mist coming in through the window. Peter didn't seem to notice, so I didn't mention it. 

"Rayne, are you okay?" he asked again. 

"I'm fine, stop worrying," I sighed, slightly shaking my head. 

He pressed his hand to my forehead, and gave a small sigh. "At least your fever isn't as high." He leaned down, and softly pressed his lips to mine. 

I smiled, and kissed back, but then he pulled away. 

"Come on, back to bed," he urged, and I pouted, but followed orders. "I'll call you, and after school, Gwen and I will be over to check on you." 

I nodded, and climbed back into bed, curling up under the covers. I vaguely heard the front door close, before I slipped into dream land. 


The green mist kept tumbling in through the window, and I watched as it slowly started to rise. I just sighed, knowing it was my crazy, messed up mind playing tricks on me again. The mist began to surround me, and flew into my nose and mouth, making me gag. 

What was going on? The visions had only affected my sight - it never tried to kill me before. I put my hand up to my face, trying to block out the toxic fumes, but it didn't help. More and more mist came into my room, and I stumbled to the door, tripping over all the rats and squirrels. 

I heard a click, and froze, before banging on the door. I tried the knob, but it was stuck, and burned my hand. I hissed, and pulled back, before ramming my shoulder into the door. I coughed as more fumes slipped into my body, and I felt myself losing consiousness. I couldn't die like this. I couldn't. 

All around me, I started to hear a banging noise. It echoed throughout my room, and I turned in circles to figure out where it came from. On the third bang, everything froze, before my vision went black. 

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