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When I had gotten back to my room after my chat with Spiderman, I lay in bed, wide awake.  

He was going to help me. I could finally control these stupid powers I was cursed with.  

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was five in the morning. Had I really been out that long? It definitely didn't feel like it. And now, I was way too wired up to have any hopes of sleep. I lay in bed for another half hour before I heard my mother shuffling around in her room, then crossing the hall to the bathroom.  

I heard the water turn on, and knew that in about an hour she would be out. So, I got out of bed, put on a pair of red gym shorts and a black baggy t-shirt with my nickname on the back in red writing-Cherry.  

At first, the nickname was suppose to hurt my feelings, I guess. But to be honest, I absolutely love it. I pulled some socks on, and made my way to the kitchen. After scrounging around for half an hour, the only thing I could find was a box of Cheerios and a gallon of 2% milk. I sighed, deciding it would have to do until either Mom or I could make it to the grocery store.  

I fixed myself a bowl, and sat down in the little dining area to eat. I heard the water shut off, and in another minute or so, Mom came out in her weekend clothes - an old high school sweatshirt and the oldest pair of sweat pants she owned. Her hair was wrapped in a purple towel, and she looked startled to see me awake. "You look awful," she observed.  

I rolled my eyes jokingly. "Gee, thanks," I said, then shrugged. "I couldn't sleep."  

She nodded, looking at me in pity. "So," she started, "what do you want to do today?"  

I shrugged. "I'm gonna go for a jog and stop at the grocery store," I said. "When I get back, maybe we can go sightseeing?"  

Mom smiled. "Sounds like a plan," she said, then handed me a wad of cash. "Only get necessities for now. Later this week we'll get everything else."  

I nodded, taking the cash and stuffing it in my sock. Then I wandered over to the boxes lining the wall, and opened a box with my name on it. There, on top, was my favorite pair of shoes-my running shoes. I slipped them on, tied up laces, and threw my hair into a ponytail. "Be back soon!" I called over my shoulder, and skipped down the hall to the elevator, pressing the down button repeatedly. Finally it dinged, and I stepped in, noticing another girl was in the elevator too.  

She was blonde, and tall. She was wearing black skinny jeans, with a blue flowy top. I shied away, used to being shunned. But, this girl had other ideas.  

"Hi," she chirped, sticking out her hand. "I'm Gwen."  

I smiled, shaking her outstretched palm. "I'm Rayne," I said quietly.  

"You must be the new girl," she said, trying to start a conversation. "Rayne Siebert? I'm an office workie, and I hear all kinds stuff. You're starting school tomorrow, right?"  

"Um...Yeah," I said, not used to having conversations with other teens. The elevator dinged, telling us we were in the lobby. "Well, bye!" I rushed, stepping out of the elevator, and making my way outside.  

Before I started jogging, I glanced around to make sure I wasn't the only one-I wasn't. I huffed at the chilly air. It was a lot warmer in Arizona.  

Then I began my jog around the block. I kept an eye out for a grocery store, but didn't see any. Deciding to go a little farther, I took a left into a less crowded street. There were groups of guys stationed at random places, and too late I realized my mistake.  

I hadn't turned into a street, but an alley. The men gave me weird looks, and I boosted up my speed. Suddenly, a man stepped in front of me, and I skidded to a stop.  

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