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  • Dedicated to Everyone who stayed with me!

-_-_-_-Rayne's POV-_-_-_-

I smiled, looking around. After saving up for years, I finally owned my own little restaurant. It wasn't much, but it was perfect.

It was more of a café, really, but it was mine. The walls had stripes, different colors of brown and cream. Pictures of the city covered the walls, all of them taken by Peter. The light wood floors ran throughout the place, stopping in the kitchens, which had white tile. Booths lined the walls, and tables were lined neatly in the middle.

I blew a strand of my dark brown hair out of my eyes. The red had faded long ago, as I had outgrown the bright color by my senior year of college. I smiled at the large sign on the wall - Rainy Days. Peter thought of it, and Gwen had automatically set to work in convincing me.

I jumped as a bright flash blinded me for a few seconds, and I turned my head to face my wonderful husband.

"What was that for?" I asked, snatching the professional looking camera from him.

Peter chuckled, and kissed me. "Your candid shots are my favorite."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. He was always sneaking around with the silly thing, snapping pictures of me when I was reading or cooking. Amelia, our three year old daughter, was already used to the bright flash, and we often found her reaching for the camera.

"I knew I shouldn't have gotten you this for your birthday," I teased, handing it back to him.

He smirked at me, pulling me close to him, and kissing me fiercely. I closed my eyes and kissed back, only to see a bright flash from begin my eyelids. I laughed, pulling away, and shaking my head.

"It's my new favorite," Peter grinned, showing me the digital picture that popped up.

I ignored his comment, and sat down in the closest chair. "How was work?" I asked.

Peter had started working at Dr. Curt Connors old lab years ago, when he was fresh out of college. He was now the lead scientist there, and he had more than once came back home missing an eyebrow or two.

"Still trying to figure out a way to stall Amelia's powers," he sighed.

Our daughter had inherited our... abilities. Thankfully, she didn't have any web shooters like I did, but she still had amazing reflexes, and we had to pull her off the ceiling quite a bit. She was starting preschool in the fall, and we were worried we would be discovered.

"She'll be fine," I assured, smiling softly. "She's learning, and the more time she spends with Gwen, she'll get more used to being around normal people."

"We could home school her," Peter shrugged, smirking slightly.

"You know how I feel about that," I sighed, pulling my hair back. "We were loners, and look how that turned out."

Peter laughed, and I saw his eyes narrow towards the kitchen. "What is that?" he suddenly asked, and I sighed, looking over.

It was a large box, with a bright bow on the top. "I was going to put it away before you got here," I told him, standing up to bring it back over. "But you got here early, and I forgot to hide it."

"I thought we agreed we were just going to dinner this year," Peter scolded.

I shrugged, placing the gift in front of him. "I know, I know, but I found this, and I couldn't pass it up."

He gave me another disapproving look, making me laugh, before he carefully lifted the lid.

"It's not a bomb," I told him, shaking my head.

He pulled out the old Polaroid and smiled. "Amelia will have a hay day with this," he laughed, raising up the camera to inspect the lenses. He then reached into his pocket and sighed. "I guess since you broke the rules, I get to also, right?"

He handed me a small box, and I playfully glared at him. "How am I supposed to follow the rules, if you don't?"

Peter kissed my forehead. "Just open it."

Shaking my head, I opened the box, and laughed at the small diamond necklace, in the shape of a small spider. "You can't keep doing this," I scolded. Most gifts I received from him had some sort of spider emblem. Last year for Christmas, he had gotten me a charm bracelet full of them. "If keep this up, someone's going to get suspicious."

"No one's going to notice," he promised, grabbing my waist. "Besided, Amelia picked it out. The lady probably just thought it was nothing."

"What am I going to do with you both?" I teased, tilting my head.

"Take a night off cooking?" Peter raised an eyebrow. "I made reservations for that place down town."

I pretended to think, and looked around at the small resturant around us. "I don't know... There's still a lot of work to be done here."

Peter's lips captured mine, and his hands cupped my face. "You really think you're funny, don't you?" 

"Of course I am," I smiled, and leaned in to kiss him again.



Wow, that took a long time. But as I said in the message I sent out a couple hours ago, I've been trying to focus on my other stories.

Reminder to those who read my other stories: THEY'RE ON HOLD FOR 3 WEEKS (that's when I get out of school).

I don't have much to say, so I'm sorry. I'm really happy with this story, and I hope you are too. Say goodbye to Raine, because she won't come back unless I write that "24 Hours" thing I've been thinking about. It will be Kaelyn (Robin's Little Sister), Raine (Make Way for the Spiders), Krystalyn (The Vampire Titan), and Sam (When Worlds Collide) all stuck in a room for 24 hours. Fun times, right? But it's still in the works.

Thanks for sticking with me after all this time. It means a lot. 

I love you guys!


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