Prank war.

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Sitting around I groaned. It's been a few weeks and the guys are all out. I looked at Cass evilly. "Remember when Jack threw me in the pool." I said and she grinned. "Ooh the famous wreny bug revenge. Me and Ly Ly taught you so well." I told her my plan and we both smirked before having our time to do what we needed. I decided on not only revenge but, a calling for a full on prank war. Nick went with the guys so it was just me and Cass doing the dirty work. Hehe pun. I filled every shampoo bottle with different hair dyes. Even the ones under the cabinet. Me and Cass had the dye removers in a safe place. We pulled up a square of carpet and filled the bottom between it and the floor with sticky creme. So whoever stepped on it would have sticky feet. We loosened all the hinges to every cabinet and drawer in the kitchen. I filled the salt shakers with sugar and the sugar jar with salt. Me and Cass agreed to eat out for a while. In Alex's room I placed a whoopee cushion in his pillow case. In Jacks I put a completely full paint ballon. We agreed to leave Nick and Rian alone but, placed a fake camera case in Zack's room filled to the brim with itchy powder. Me and Cass made sure nothing looked suspicious and as soon as they got home made up some excuse to leave. We watched from hidden cameras and laughed the whole time.

Alex walked into the kitchen for a drink. He reaches for the cups and knocked the cabinet door off. He called to Zack who reached for the tool box under the sink also knocking off that cabinet. Now all the boys were carting wearily in the kitchen. Jack came bouncing in and he ignored their arguments opening the door to the snack cabinet. They all watched in awe as he opened the cabinet and then as he slammed it close every cabinet door but that one fell. Me and Cass were almost crying. They looked shocked. Zack went upstairs to look for something and came back with the false camera case. He looked confused as he opened it and a cloud of white came up and his hands and face and neck started burning. He reached for the sink desperately and the nob came off. He sighed in defeat. Alex ran upstairs looking shaken. We watched as he stepped on the carpet in the hall and his foot came up covered in white sticky goo. He nearly screamed. Jack shook everything off and plopped down on his bed. He sat up seconds later with the whole side of his face covered in paint. Me and Cass couldn't stand it anymore. We went back in the house with straight faces. The guys all sat looking completely freaked out as we walked in. Jack told us what happened and we started laughing. The looked at us blankly. "This was you?!" Zack yelled and we snickered. "We still got it Cass." I said and she nodded. "Never lost Wren." They looked shocked. "How?" Alex stuttered and we explained the few pranks they tripled but not the others. "We have a war on our hands gentlemen." Jack said in a military voice. I snickered. "Yes indeed. I have claimed my fellow commander Cass. She has rightfully chosen her second in command Rian and I have chosen my second in command as Nick." I said and everyone nodded. "Okay boys here are the rules. No actual pain other than irritation like itching or slight burning even sneezing. No actual intent to harm. These pranks exist amongst our regular lives and will ruin no friendships in any way shape or form. We are a family at war let's keep it that way. Minor injuries can be caused but, will be pure accident understand?" I said in my commander voice. Me and Cass stood in front as everyone saluted us. "Good now let the games begin." I said and we all laughed going different ways. It was getting late so I took a shower and warned Nick not to use the shampoo. So far we have been allowed to share a bed but we always had the door open. We cuddled up and went to sleep. I heard curses and fell asleep giggling into Nicks chest.

The next morning we all had breakfast together well me and my army knew better than to eat anything made with sugar or salt products. Alex's hair was a pale blue hint with his natural color. Jacks hair was almost completely green. Zack however had managed to figure it out and not use any shampoo. Me and Nick decided to go Christmas shopping. We came home and as soon as I opened the door I was covered in flour. I coughed a white cloud and Nick wiped my eyes with his clean fingers. I simply started with retaliation. War came to a halt a week before Christmas. We all met in the front yard. Alex was covered in syrup and feathers, a classic, Jack had sharpie on his face and his whole skin was tinted pink. Zack had Kool aid stained skin and clothes. Rian was sneezing uncontrollably and all of his clothes were a size too small. Nick had false eyelashes and blush on along with a dress. Cass had candy melted to her clothes and stuck in her hair. I was the best on off and was instantly crowned queen of pranks and was excused from clean up duty. My hair was bright blue and I had made the best of it by doing my nails the same color along with my lips. I put in blue contacts and when I met up with everyone they all stared in awe of my ability to adapt. I snickered. "Chop chop peasants the house won't clean itself." They all groaned but, agreed I was a force of nature and wouldn't be messed with.

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