Part 11

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The next morning, Shane jumped out of bed when he heard the loud whirling of the generator

"Sabrina!" He shouted, half asleep, afraid something was going on and he wouldn't be able to protect her

"She's with T-Dog and Carl." Rick said, looking up at Shane, squinting under the bright lights of the prison

"S-She got the power running?" Shane stammered

"Don't you see the lights on?" Daryl sneered 

"Let the man wake up." Carol laughed, handing Shane a bowl of oatmeal

"Thank you." Shane said, rubbing his head full of hair, "Now she's gonna expect me to shave." He sighed

"Wouldn't hurt." Rick chuckled

Sabrina walked into the common area, laughing as she walked alongside Carl, "Go take a warm shower, yeah? Let the water run for a little, first. In case there's any muck in it." She said, pushing Carl towards the bathroom

"Man of the hour." Daryl said, looking at Sabrina, "Feels good to have power, thank you." He said

Sabrina nodded, smiling warmly, "I was hoping to go to the hospital to get stuff for Hershel."

"I wanna come." Glenn said, eager to help Hershel in anyway

"I think that's a very noble offer, Glenn, but uh, don't you think you should be here for Maggie? In case.. you know.." Shane said, rubbing the back of his neck 

Glenn inhaled quietly, "Yeah, I guess that's true." He said

"I'll go." Shane said, "I'm the one who cut his leg off."

"I wanna come too." T-Dog said

"So it's settled." Sabrina said, "Shane,
T-Dog and I will go."

"I'm gonna go change." Sabrina said, walking to her cell

Shane and Ares trailed behind her. Shane stood in the doorway, watching as Sabrina slid off her t shirt, "Those jeans look nice on you." He mumbled

"Ah! Is what so?" Sabrina grinned playfully

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"Ah! Is what so?" Sabrina grinned playfully

"It is." Shane said, sitting down on the bed, looking up at Sabrina suggestively

"Mm, no." Sabrina grinned, leaning down and kissing Shane lovingly, "We gotta go."

Shane sighed, kissing Sabrina softly before he pulled away, "I know. We've got a bed and now we never have time for sex."

"Later. After a shower." Sabrina laughed as she slid on a long sleeve black t shirt. It took a moment to figure out the latch as Sabrina fumbled with her holster, "Ah." She said, sliding in her pistol and her machete.

Shane watched in amusement, "Ready?"

Sabrina nodded, walking out of the cell with Shane. She waved at the group before she walked towards the exit, "Oh shoot." She said, turning to Shane

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