"I killed my mom."
Sabrina turned around, looking at Carl, furrowing her eyebrows as she processed his words, "What?" She questioned, looking up from the garden
"She got bit." Carl said, walking over to the part of the yard where Sabrina was standing, "She was protecting me and Judith."
Sabrina looked at Carl, "Oh, i'm so sorry." She said, stroking his cheek
"I know you left because you killed your brother." Carl said
"It was.. it's different." Sabrina said softly
"Do you think we can come back from something like this?" Carl asked her
Sabrina set down her notebook, exhaling deeply, "We have to." She said softly, "There's gotta be more."
"Then why did you leave?" Carl asked quietly
"I don't want to hurt anyone." Sabrina said
"You just took out a community of cannibals." Carl argued
"Carl, honey." Sabrina sighed, "I'm sorry. I know you're upset, but it's not directed at me. The last few days have been a lot. Just relax." She said softly
Carl inhaled softly, "This is so stupid! You left us! You left!" He shouted, "You left me! You're suppose to be my friend!"
Sabrina felt her heart break, "I am your friend, Carl. I'm sorry I left." She said, sincerely
"Promise me! Promise me you won't leave again!" Carl said, "I can't lose another mother figure in my life!"
Sabrina felt tears in her eyes as she looked at Carl, "Okay. I won't leave. I won't leave again." She promised, holding out her pinky
Carl smacked her hand away, lunging forward into her arms, a soft cry escaping his lips, "I killed my mom."
Sabrina stumbled backwards, catching Carl in her arms, "You did not." She whispered, "You helped her." She promised, crouching down onto the ground, pulling Carl into her embrace, "It's like.. when your puppy is sick. You put it down to help it." She said, "That's probably not the best metaphor but it's all i've got right now." She said
Carl buried his face in Sabrina's chest, hiccuping softly
"I should've been there." Sabrina said softly, "I left. I'm sorry."
Carl wiped his eyes, standing up, "It's whatever." He said, sniffling softly, "I'm gonna go inside."
Sabrina looked up at him, "Okay." She said, tucking her hair behind her ear, watching him walk inside. She sighed loudly when she saw Rick come out of the house, "I have had enough of the Grimes Family for one lifetime." She admitted
Rick chuckled, walking across the yard to Sabrina, "Yeah, most people get fed up with us pretty quickly." He joked
Sabrina stood up, dusting the dirt off her hands, "What's up?" She asked
"Daryl went out this morning and said he thinks the herd from Terminus is getting closer." Rick said, "I think we need to move."
"Oh." Sabrina said, tucking her hair behind her ear, "Okay." She said
"It's been a nice, relaxing three days but I think we need to find a new place." Rick admitted
"Okay." Sabrina said
"Are you coming along with us?" Rick asked hopefully
"Are you inviting me?" Sabrina asked
"Yes, I'd like you to come. I can't do this without you." Rick admitted