Part 16

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Sabrina was outside of the prison, scrubbing the blood off the concrete where T-Dog had been massacred. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands, hiccuping softly as she tried to regather her strength. Her left leg was wrapped up in a brace, limiting her movements.
Everything was crumbling down around her, and she was in no mood for any more destruction.

Meanwhile, Rick and Maggie had gone to meet with The Governor to discuss terms. After a long two hours, the two pulled up to the prison.

Maggie beelined to Glenn, "Get inside, we don't wanna see this." She whispered

"Walsh." Rick called loudly, walking over to Sabrina. He knelt down, holding his hand out for her to stand up

"Rick. I'm not in the mood for this." Sabrina begged quietly

"No, you're gonna wanna hear this." Rick said, helping Sabrina stand

Shane walked into the courtyard, sweating lightly. He had been cleaning up the rubble from the destroyed watchtower, "What's up?"

"I just had a chat with our friend Phillip." Rick explained, "He's telling me about how he's got a beautiful significant other. Fair skin, long brown hair.. Pretty as can all be."

"Okay?" Shane asked, removing his gloves

"Told me that she has a daughter. She's got long blonde hair and dark eyes. Tan skin..." Rick said, sucking in his teeth

"I'm sorry, what's the point of this story?" Shane questioned

"It's Lori." Rick replied

"That's amazing, brother!" Shane said, "We gotta get her back."

"Yeah. A child needs a father." Rick retorted

Sabrina's mind flickered over to a conversation she had with Rick where he told her he hadn't been intimate with Lori. She inhaled sharply, "Oh, Shane..."

"It's mine?" Shane asked, curiously, "The kids mine?"

"It ain't mine." Rick replied, inhaling deeply

"I thought you never... came in her.." Sabrina told Shane

"I might've, on accident. I-I don't know, Sabrina. I'm sorry." Shane said, "I-I don't know what to say."

"This is the big announcement you had, Rick?" Sabrina asked

"I think it's a pretty good announcement." Rick replied

"Baby, c'mon." Shane said, reaching to grab sabrina's hand

Sabrina pulled away, "Don't." She warned, "You lied to me, Shane."

"Unintentionally!" Shane argued

"So, what now?" Daryl asked

"The Governor wants Shane and Sabrina back." Rick said, "Revenge for blinding him."

"I didn't do anything." Retorted Sabrina

"You don't have to worry. You're not going anywhere." Daryl promised

Sabrina shifted, holding onto Rick's bicep for stability, "I'm gonna go inside." She said, limping towards the door

"Sabrina, wait." Shane begged, groaning in frustration, "I-I gotta try and go get Lori." He said, exhaling deeply as he took the keys from Rick

"Don't be stupid." Rick warned him, but didn't have any objections to Shane leaving to Woodbury, in hope that Sabrina would finally leave him

"I gotta try." Shane said, "That's my kid." He said, "Open up the gate." He replied, getting into the car

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