Part 39

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"I don't want anyone but Rosita with me."

"That's not fair." Rick replied, folding his arms over his chest

"She ain't the dad." Daryl replied, sucking on his teeth

"One of you might not be either." Rosita retorted

"It's so cramped in that little room." Sabrina said, calmly, "I just want Rosita. I need you two out here, watching." She said, glancing around Hilltop, a heavy feeling in her stomach, "Make sure everything's okay." Sabrina felt guilty keeping both men from the room during the first ultrasound. But in all honesty, she felt worse for not knowing who the father was. She opted to avoid any awkward conversations by just excluding them both from the room. Sabrina knew it wasn't fair, but she wasn't in the mood to deal with any passive aggressive bickering

"Fine." Daryl said, inhaling deeply, folding his arms over his chest as he stood to the left of the entrance

Rick took his spot on the right of the door, scanning the hilltop protectively

Sabrina walked into the room, looking at the doctor, "Sorry about that wait."

"No worries." He smiled warmly, "I'm Doctor Carson. Please, have a seat."

"Thanks." Sabrina said, sitting down on the geri-chair. She exhaled deeply as she glanced over at Rosita

"I got you." Rosita promised, holding her hand. She lifted up the bottom of Sabrina's shirt, smiling softly as she traced a stretch mark, fondly

"Cold gel." Dr Carson warned, applying the goo to Sabrina's stomach, "Let's take a peek." He said, placing the transducer on her stomach, using the head to spread out the gel

Rosita grinned when she heard the loud, consistent thumping, "Heartbeat?"

"Yup." Doctor Carson smiled, "Baby looks good. Healthy. You're about... five and a half months."

"So there's a chance the baby is mine?" Rick asked, emerging from the hallway, opening the door

"Hello!" Sabrina exclaimed, frustrated

"When's the last time you were intimate?" Doctor Carson asked

"With Sabrina? Five months ago." Rick said

"I'm assuming you're also a potential suitor?" Doctor Carson asked, seeing Daryl in the doorway

Daryl nodded, his eyes glued to the screen, a lump in his throat as he saw the baby on the screen.

So pure. So innocent.

So defenseless. So helpless.

His baby.

"When's the last time you two were intimate?" Doctor Carson asked Daryl

"Last night." Daryl retorted, looking over at Rick, daringly, "But her and I started having sex five-ish months ago."

"Well, then it's very possible either of you are the father." Doctor Carson said

"Can we know the gender?" Rosita asked, eagerly

"No!" Sabrina said, "I don't want to know."

"I want to know." Rick replied

"Nobody knows. Mama doesn't want to know, nobody knows." Daryl said, protectively. He stepped into the room, grabbing some paper towels off the wall. Delicately, he wiped Sabrina's stomach

"Thank you." Sabrina said, watching him

Rick stepped over, squeezing through the gaggle of people, to get to Sabrina's side. He lowered her shirt for her, helping her stand

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2024 ⏰

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