chapter 3: confession?

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Me (author): guys- I'm almost at 90 followers- that's crazy... Tbh I never thought I would even get to 40 yet alone 100. Since I'm almost there and it's officially pride month.. I decided to make a chapter even though I probably shouldn't right now.. I want to show y'all something real guick though-

 I want to show y'all something real guick though-

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I'm sorry I just had to show these- the ai is getting a bit freaky

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I'm sorry I just had to show these- the ai is getting a bit freaky... So ya! Anyways enjoy the chapter!


Eclipse's pov:
I was on my throne, it's about usual since I'm always here, but I still could think straight.. I really couldn't.. there was nothing I had to do and I was all alone, needing someone by my side to think. Then it shocked me like a lightning bolt.

I needed sun..

I didn't want him.. I needed him..

Eclipse: sun!!

Sun: coming master!!

I then saw sun run down to me, he panted and rested his hands on his knees..

Sun: you could have had the best time! I just finished! Uh- what do you need sir?

Sun said bowing immediately at the third sentence. It was like he wanted to be close to me but I was his king and he couldn't be disrespectful.

Eclipse: I have an important meeting with you and me.. you think you can handle that?

I said looking at sun.

Sun: y-yes! I can I promise!

Eclipse: Ok then you may walk up by the throne and we may speak with one another.

Sun then silently took steps up to me and stood next to my throne. I rolled my eyes.

Eclipse: oh just- come here..

I then took sun by the waist and placed him on my lap. I jumped a bit as I laid him there. He had a cute blush on his cheeks and a shimmer in his green eyes.

Eclipse: so, about this meeting of ours... I just wanted to get a few things off my chest...

Sun: ok then my lord.. what is it..?

Eclipse: first, I want you to stop calling me these names.. just call me by my name or anything else.. don't call me those things Anymore...

Sun: oh.. ok.. but why?

Eclipse: because.. because I like you sun! I like you! More than a fucking assistant that works here.. sun... I LOVE you.. I can't stop thinking about you.. I can't do anything without you anymore.. 

sun stayed silent for a moment.. did I really think he'd like me..? What I've done to him..? I don't think he'd even like me back.

Sun: i- I didn't think you would feel.. well.. the same.. I thought you hated me.. I love you too eclipse.. I really do..

I was shocked and happy at the same time.. I couldn't Believe that I was like back I then gently took off my helmet and pulled him close.

I then gave him an actual kiss.. not one full of lust..

Sun kissed back gently, he wrapped his arms around my neck and closed his eyes like me. I held him from the back on the head and his back. It felt actually good.. we then parted away from each other. We looked at each other for a moment before we kissed again.

This time sun had pulled me in.. I didn't complain.. I just kissed his lips.

After a bit we parted again. Both of us taking a few breathes.

Sun's pov:
I blushed again. I looked at eclipse's goldish arangish eyes. He held me at the chin.

Eclipse: do it again..

I obeyed and kissed him again. Moaned in the kiss and he kissed me back and then after a few minutes we Parted away again.

Sun: i- I should head to work...

Eclipse: NO

Sun: um why..?

Eclipse: I'm not letting you work AGAIN. You are now mine.. and I don't want you doing that job anymore..

Sun: ok.. but who is going to do it?

Eclipse: I'll find someone else.. for now.. just relaxed in my lap..

Eclipse then took his hand and pushed my head, laying it on his muscular chest. He also started to pet me on the head with his thumb. Hus othe hand was around me and was talking my butt.

He held me close and I blushed red. I didn't think that I would even get this close with the king.. not in physical and mental.. not one spec of me think about that. But here I am.. laying in his chest and sitting on his lap like I was a kid telling danta clause about what I wanted for Christmas.

I rested my head comfortably in his chest. It made me feel strangely safe.. I laid in it and closed my eyes. I felt eclipse's hand from my butt gently start petting my back. I blushed again ad my back arched. He moved his hand and continued to pet my back.


Eclipse's pov:
It was getting late out. I looked at sun and he was asleep in my chest. He looked so cute.. he just looked so pressious for me.. thank god he is now mine and only mine..

I stood up and held him in my arms. He nuzzled his face in me. Oh so cute...

I then walked with him in my arms.. he yawned and nuzzled I to me. Oh he is just so adorable.. so cute.. and of course mine..

I then found my room and went over to the bed.. I then laid him down on the bed and tucked him in, giving him a kiss on the lips and forehead. I then got up again. I went out of the room and went to his. I took all his belongings and went back to my room. I then gently put them away on my room. I then changed out of my armar and changed into some pajamas.

I then went over to the bed and laid next to him. I wrapped my arms around him and he turned over and snuggled deeply into my chest again. I smiled and closed my eyes falling asleep with him.

Me (author): hiii!!! I'm so happy of how this turned out!! I hope that you all like this story!! I can't wait to see you guys in the next chapter!! Bye!!!

1060 words! :3

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