Me (author): hiii!! You all really liked the last chapter and eclipse being a protective dad-
So anyways! Let's begin! I hope you all are having a good school year so far!
(For any of my pooky wookies, the proposal chapter comes out next!)
⚠️Mostly fluff! But there is angst! I'll warn you begging and after!⚠️
Sun's pov:I was laying in bed.. like usual.. or.. what eclipse eclipse said to do.
It was close to the end of the day, the room being filled with the red and orange colors splattered across the room.
I was laying on my back, eyes closed.
Since eclipse is done with his king duties, at the moment he has my shirt lifted up, laying his head right next to my stomach, like as if it would disappear if he looked away.
He was giving it slight kisses, his lips soft but firm against my stomach. He was practically wrapped around my legs, not to mention how huge he is compared to me..
I opened my eyes again, letting out a yawn. Eclipse looked up at me with his orange eyes then shimmering in the sunset's last rays of color.
He gave me a gentle smile as he sat up, sitting next to me. He gently kissed my forehead and then my lips, being more gentle than before. I smiled in the two kisses he gave, they were always so genuine..
"I'm going to just shut the windows and stuff ok..? I'll be back.." he said as he then got up from the bed.
He got up and turned on a lamp that gave off a soft, cozy shine in a dark room. He shut the windows that got rid of the sunset. Leaving the room to be dim.
He always knew that I was scared of the dark.. it being so powerful to make me freeze. Nothing there.. but also what is there..? It reminds me of something.. or.. someone? (Tehe!! Foreshadowing!!)
He got back in bed under the covers and got myself under the covers. He kissed my head again and spooned me.
"Good night my love.." he said quietly, as if a whisper.
"Good night dear.." I said back to him.
He adjusted himself and moved hand under my neck and his other hand on my stomach. He always held me at night like this, as if I were to be taken from him. But this time.. his hand on my stomach has a purpose..
He nuzzled his head in my neck, his stubble and nose tickling my neck. I slightly chuckled and he bit me to tease me. He nibbled for a bit before he stopped, falling asleep, his grip still the same.
He slept, his quiet snores dragging me to sleep with him. My eyes shut closed, sleep taking over me now.
[In the dream! ⚠️!Angst!⚠️]
I opened my eyes again, I was in.. a what? I think a daycare..?
The lights were completely blinding and my eyes burned. I blinked a few times as I got used to the light.
I looked down at myself.. what the? Are these.. am I a jester if somesort? I've read about them but I didn't know I would be one..
I continued to look down at myself. Seeing my stomach was flat. My eyes widened..
Where are they?! W-why are they gone?!
I said as I even checked under my clothes to see the baby bump.
I was breathing sorta heavily, just thinking about everything. W-was my life a dream..? N-no! It can't be! It felt so real!
"Brother..?" I heard a voice say.
I snapped my head up and saw another animitronic. They looked like me.. but.. different..
They looked like me but there face was half white and half of a Navy color. There eyes were red.. no puples..
There face started to disform as he had no mouth anymore and was walking up to me.
I blinked. I was now in complete darkness..
There were voices that were getting louder and louder. All saying "remember". Over and over.
I saw the moon thing again, it sounded like it was coming from him. My puples were practically shaking as my body froze.
The thing got closer and closer, my ears only hearing a high pitch noise, a ring that didn't get out of my ears.. my ears felt like they were in pain as the voices became louder.
My body unfroze and fell back, I'm in terrible pain now. I began to cry as I covered my ears.. I felt a tight grip on my shoulders, shaking my violently.
[⚠️ End of dream!]
Eclipse's pov:I groaned as I woke up. I was hearing talking.. I opened my eyes. I heard sun mumbling..
I shot up my body and lean down to what he was saying..
I saw tears running down his cheeks and he was hugging himself. I started to shake him. He didn't wake up.. I shook him way more, more violent and I was trying to wake him up.
His eyes shot open. He was breathing heavily and cried. I pulled him up and laid him on my chest, also being mindful of the baby so he wouldn't lay on it.
He cried in my chest, my shirt becoming soaked. I petted his hand and his stomach. Trying to soothe him and the baby. I can't bare to see sun cry. Yet alone it's not good for the babies heartbeat to be so fast either..
I rocked him back and forth.
"It's ok baby.. I got you.. I got you.. I'm here.."
He slowly but surely stopped crying. He laid in my chest silently.
"You wanna talk about it..?" I said.
"N-no.." he said.
"Ok then.." I said as I smother his face and neck with kisses trying to make him feel better. He smiled and giggled again as my stubbled tickled him.
I kissed him on the lips, holding his chin to keep him from moving. He smiled and kissed me back. We separated from the kiss and he laid next to me again.
"If you get another nightmare.. I'll be right here.. ok..? We will keep the lamp on too ok..?' I said reassuring him.
"Ok.. thank you.." he said.
"Don't thank me.." I said as I kissed his head.
I laid next to him and he fell asleep again. I wrapped and arm around him and watched him sleep a bit before I drifted to sleep as well.
Me (author):Hi! This was supposed to be a short chapter but I wanted to add some drama! Hope you liked it! Love y'all and see y'all next chapter!

Lord eclipse x servant sun 🤭
Romancehii so I like making me suffer- I'm going to love writing this story... buuuuuut um righting 3 other stories at the moment- so, this will not be updated much until one of my other stories end.. anyways this story will contain! ⚠️ smutt! and other to...