So I'ma just get started by the new fucking I formation I have just gathered.
About 80-90% of the world would vote for Harris?!
It's fucking crazy that I have to live anymore. Have you guys heard about the fucking banned books list?!
Sorry I normally don't curse but I'm just to fucking frustrated about my life right now.
I'm not a Swifty but she said she voted for harris with makes me happy ok?
How did we lose?! We had Olivia Rodrigo, Billie eilish, Ariana grande, fucking tailor swift and we still lost. What broke my heart was to see kriss prat vote for trump.
So many young adults (below age for voting) are literally moving out of state, killing themselves, crying for any help..
As a person of color, (sorta I'm mainly Mexican, German, and American) lgbtq, I'm fighting for my fucking rights as a person.
I'm allowed to marry the woman of my dreams, I'm allowed to have rights. I'm allowed to be mad, sad, and even suicidal because of this!
All because of my religion! All because of it!
"Woman for trump" good job sweetie! You just took 60% percent of people's rights away!
"Your body my choice" or how about your penis my knife?!
Not going to mention the fucking banned books list?!
Harry potter
Diery of Anne Frank?!?!
Lord of the rings
Fucking lorax?
Animal farm?!
And much more! Over 300 hundred books! Ladies and gents and everybody in-between!
(Mose about women rights, lgbtq, gender identity, "supernatural or witchery", and much more, even the government in a different world for crying out loud!)
Not going to mention the about of people online, mainly Christians, you go like:
{What the fuck is a Kamala Harris?!}
Nobody is talking to you! Nobody asked! It's simply a video says that they are scared!
Oh! Did you also know that school shooting will accrue more?! Ya! I could be killed in math class when I'm sitting right next to fucking door!
I hope you all can tell how mad I am while. I'm typing this, my fingers are on fire just spitting out words that make any sense.
I just want to tell you all that we are going backwards, we're going so backwards. And I'll I can do it wait till I get older. (If I don't kill myself at this rate)
I went to bed last night, crying, and crying! Trying to tell myself that my parents and peoepm I know are good people.. but it's hard!
They all celebrated while I dug my own grave! I love my parents! My family! Close ones! But it's hard to do so if they don't live you back how they want you to.
I just want to disappear and cease to exist until this flows by..
Are t they doing a recount? If they do I'm praying.. praying for you, me, and us poor people suffering..
I'm about to cry typing this, my hands are so shaky and I don't know what to say anymore.
Also Christians on the Internet are fucking assholes and should be the ones getter by punishment!
They won't shut up! There would be a tik Tok about a different religion. And they would put something like:
"Forgive them father"
"A whole ass prayer"
"Something about how they should change there religion"
It says in the Bible! (Also getting banned by Trump)
Love thy neihbor! Do you see how easy it is to respect a person's, sexuality, pronouns, religion, or anything else!?!
My mom and rest of my family are also homophobic. My dad told my grandma right I front of me:
"If my kids come out as gay, there sleeping outside" or something along the lines of that.
So, I tried telling my mom that I like girls.. I told them how pretty they are and everything...
My gandma said I just thought they were pretty..
I don't want to tell them about my sexual desires at the time because I didn't really like talking about it with them.
And I still don't after that. They said they would love me no matter what.. I guess they've broken there promise but speaking badly about people who go by they or are lesbian.
My only safe space is my uncle's house. They let there young boy have Barbies and let him express himself. My uncle and aunt also like anime so I got a nice poster of nezuko.
I just wish I was born into there family.
I would be accepted for my feelings. But that won't happen..
I'm stuck, alone on the dark without anything, not even God's hand trying to lift me out.
I love you all, I'm going to go cry myself asleep again.
Have a good rest for your night/day.. I guess

Lord eclipse x servant sun 🤭
Romancehii so I like making me suffer- I'm going to love writing this story... buuuuuut um righting 3 other stories at the moment- so, this will not be updated much until one of my other stories end.. anyways this story will contain! ⚠️ smutt! and other to...