Chapter 1

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Alex glared at the guards from his position behind the corner wall. One. Two. Three. Alex counted them as they came one by one and his head quickly formed a plan to take them out. He gave up counting them it was getting boring. They were clearly inexperienced and arrogant wannabe guards. The way they don't look around and the way they are holding themselves and their gun says it all. Alex can clearly see himself on the reflection that they can see if they pay more attention. Alex's jaw clenched from the pain soaring through him with every slight subtle shifts. This is what you get for walking straight onto their compound and getting yourself captured to get information. Which stupid idiot would do that? Who would get themselves caught on purpose? Oh right! Me! Alex thought sarcastically to himself and cursed the stupidity of his superiors.
Alex raised his Casio watch to his eyes. I have 5 minutes before that bomb explodes. His torturer had boosted about the bomb he planted so that Alex last painful breaths would go up in flames. That reminds me... I have a broken rib, it's touching my lung. Should I panic? Meh. Doesn't matter. It's better than being up in flames... Like how Jack had died. I caused her-
Alex shook his head to clear the thoughts. He checked the ammunition of the gun, making as much noise as he dared, getting louder and louder with each move. But those cocky guards didn't even as much as glance in his direction. He rolled his eyes at their lack of training and the lack of common sense and the lack of brains and overconfidence. Alex kept listing in his mind to stop his mind from wandering. Alex fired, one of them crumpled to the ground dead. The guards now starts panicking but that's too late. Alex has the element of surprise and speed. He ran over while firing, taking out another 11 before his gun emptied. He twisted a guard and grabbed his gun to fire at the guards' own comrades. Then he maneuvered himself through the group of guards while taking them out. Once he was at the door he glance at the watch again as he took another gun and a few more ammunitions.
3 minutes.
He ran as fast as he can through the maze like place, taking out anyone in his way.
2 minutes.
Alex fought against the biggest guard they have. This HUGE hairy man held him against the wall by his neck. Alex felt the life getting squeezed out of him as the man held his neck tightly and he was trying desperately to get air into his lungs. He then saw it. His chance to get free. His only chance. Alex kicked as hard as he could at the bullet wound on the guy's thigh. The huge man let out a howl of pain as he dropped Alex unceremoniously on the ground. Alex stifled a cry of pain as he hit the ground. He scrambled to his feet and ran as fast as his abused legs can take him. He limped/ran quickly towards the exit and out the door.
The whole building shook as the explosion rang out. Alex flew as the shock wave hit him almost in full force. The building on fire lit up the night sky and the road just enough for Alex to figure out which direction to go. Alex hit the ground and rolled on the road to reduce the impact but it was enough as he scrapped his skin on various places and he felt the rib puncture his lung. Alex gasped in pain and tried to get his breath back. He pushed himself into standing. He held his rib area tenderly as he hurried towards the designated area to meet up with his supposed rescuers. I have to rescue myself anyways. Alex thought bitterly as he spotted the chopper whose blades are still twirling madly but the sound is covered by the chain explosion that Alex had set up to detonate a minute after the original one goes off. It also bombed his torturer from what Alex knows where he placed his bombs. "Alex!" A man from the chopper called out and ran toward him to help him get to the chopper quicker.
Alex sat against the walls of the chopper as it lifted itself into the sky. His body shook with the effort and the over exertion. Alex held out a total of 5 thumb drives on a ring gingerly, he strained to keep his hands steady. "Mission accomplished." Alex whispered weakly before the pain got too much and he lost consciousness.
"Alex!" The man darted forward to check on the kid. He watched Alex's eyes rolled to the back of his head and was in too much of a shock to respond any quicker. "Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t! Punctured lung..." He started mumbling the problems to himself. He bandaged all the ones that need to stop bleeding. He almost laughed when Alex was still so tense even when unconscious. He almost laughed when he saw just how young this agent they were suppose to meet up with looked. He almost laughed when he saw how injured this agent was. He however did laugh and cry when he realise that the combination of a young agent and this severity of injuries don't go together.

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