Chapter 21

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"I've gotta take this phone call Wolf." Alex glanced up at the man that still refused to release him as if afraid that he was going to drop the to floor like a rag doll. Everything hurts like hell broke loose but there is nothing he can do, MI6 and their bloody orders of staying clear headed and not under the influence of drugs. Ughhhh! Everything is hurting so bad! Wolf twitched, already knowing what a phone call means. "I hate your boss so much." The Hispanic man growled, reluctantly releasing Alex but not letting him stray from arms length. The only thing the boy said was 'understood' before hanging up. Alex turned around to look at Wolf.
"You have to leave I know I know." Wolf said grumpily.
"Take care." Alex muttered, patting the older man and woman on the arms.
"You better come back in one piece. Sergeant might not be here because he is searching for his missing daughter but we will whoop your little ass if you don't come back."
"That doesn't make sense you know." Alex said, smirking and Wolf smacked him on the arm playfully.
"Get lost punk."
"Whatever you say sir." Alex joked, mock saluting Wolf, bolting out the door before the man could whack him over the head for that.

"Take a break Tyler"
"I can't when my daughter is missing! It has been months! Do you understand how stress I am feeling?!" Sergeant shouted. The instructor winced at the emotions coming from the normally stoic man. "They are all looking for her. She's be alright."
"And what else! Cub has been gone for almost two months, not a single whisper about him! He could be rotting in a ditch for all we know!"
"Let's go to the mess hall, we will think about this later." The two trudged towards the mess hall. A few soldiers greeted them on the way in, pausing at the doorway suddenly. "What are you buffoons doing?" Sergeant hissed when he almost ran into one of them. He looked at what they were staring at. "Is that... Cub?" He mumbled under his breath and the person who seem to have heard it turned his head slightly to look at them, freezing mid step. He seemed like was... Dancing with someone. someone really small as he was bent over slightly. "Spin spin spin!" A childish voice giggled. Alex held up a finger, telling them to wait as he complied with the child. A giggle was heard again. "Up up up." Alex picked the child up as K-unit and the SEALS walked in - oh! We must not forget our dear Winchester. "Cub!" The child peeked over Alex curiously at the outburst.
"Daddy!" She screeched when she spotted the big man. Alex let her down and she sped towards the sergeant, jumping up into the man's arms. "Daddy! I missed you!"
"I missed you so much." Sergeant murmured, hugging his daughter tightly.
"There was a few big bad! Bad! Men, they pulled me into the car and put me in this dark dirty place! Then he came, they took him out and pull him back in. He would always be covered in this red stuff! He gave me his food! When we got outside, we went to get ice cream!" She finished happily, pointing to Alex to tell them who she was talking about. "Alex got me chocolate ice cream." She squirmed to get down before running back to Alex, tucking at his pants to make him carry her. Alex bent down and picked her up gently. "Thank you so much Cub." Sergeant said gratefully. Alex nodded, accepting the gratitude. He put a hand out on the table to steady himself, trying not to jostle the girl too much. He didn't want her to panic but his back was hurting badly. "Tell them about where we went." Alex said, setting her on the ground. That was probably the only way to distract her while he worried about his back. Back pains! Ugh! Sitting down isn't right, nor is standing up! Alex hunched over slightly, rubbing his back and he sent a warning glare at every single one of them to make sure they don't come to him and draw the child's attention to him. "-sn't that right Al? The sand was fun! We built sand castles then we went on a boat thingy and to Disney world! Oh oh oh! Al got me the dress and shoes!" She said excitedly, clanking her shoes together and spinning around in her dress.
"How much do I owe you Cub?" Sergeant said, wanting to pay him back for rescuing his daughter. He shooed everyone else away to get them to sit down. So much drama when Cub's around. "Oh, it's nothing sir. Don't worry about it." Alex said straightening as the girl spun around to face him.
"... How much, exactly, did you spend on my girl?" Alex looked guilty for a bit as he held up two fingers.
"$200? No. $20? No. $220?" Alex shook his head again before quietly saying an enormous figure that everyone gawked.
"$20 000." That is a lot of money to spend on one tiny person.
"If you don't like it I'll bring it back?" Alex said, thinking that they didn't like the dress and the shoes.
"What? No! It's fine but $20000? What the heck did you buy?!"
"Well... The clothes were $1000 along with the shoes... The rest was us running around for a few days in theme parks and movies and food, lots and lots of food. The flights were taken care of by me, I had a plane anyways so it's fine." Alex said, waving it off as no big deal.
"You're kidding."
"No?" Alex said, he didn't regret spending the money on the kids he rescue. If he can't have a perfect childhood, he will make sure others have it. The little girl seem to notice him struggling with his back because she ran to the bags, pulled out something before running to kitchen. "Where is she going?" Sergeant asked, walking towards the kitchen, worried that she would injure herself. She bolted back out, ducking between sergeant's legs to get to Alex. They watched as she helped Alex sit down and she pressed the package in her hands to his back. Alex squeezed his eyes shut at the pain and relief. "Thank you cherub." She grinned at the nickname, content with being able to help him. "It's okay now." Alex said gently, trying to take the heat pack from her.
"No! I wanna do it." She said, pouting childishly. Cub needs all the love he can get aye?

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