Chapter 19

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"What are you doing here?" Eagle exclaimed, shooting up when he saw Alex and the woman walk in when it was almost lights out after having disappeared for the rest of the day, not even appearing for dinner. "I live here now boys!" She declared, striding around like the walkway was a runway. Alex looked at her before gliding past her to his bed. He pulled out his bag to get out a sleeping bag. Alex went to hunt for another pillow, disappearing from the cabin for a minute. He returned, throwing the pillow towards Winchester. She was about to claim the sleeping bag as it was Alex's bed after all but the boy sat down on top of his sleeping bag, pulling the pillow from the bed. He sat there digging through his bag, throwing atop the bed a shirt and pants for her to use if she wanted. They had gone to retrieve her belongings from her old place just then so she had plenty of her own sanitary items but limited clothing as they had to take only what was useful plus she also took a shower before going into the cabin, with Alex guarding her shower cubicle. He was such a gentleman, holding up a towel to block the entrance of the cubicle even though it was tiring for his arms it never dropped to reveal her by accident. "What are you doing?"
"Looking for a book to read?" She stared at the boy.
"Why are you on the ground?" Was her real question. She thought she should take the ground. "Just take the bed." Alex said softly, noticing her hesitation. She walked to the bed before pulling off her shirt without a second thought when she spotted the clothes Alex pulled out from his bag. Alex looked away as she pulled the shirt over her head to change to the one he laid out. The rest gawked, even as she tugged off her pants and pulled on more comfortable sweatpants. The shirt hung on her frame nicely as she was a little taller than the teen and more filled out in the chest area, the pants also fitted as it was drawstring so easily adjustable - even though she had to make it bigger to fit her hips. Ughhh. The problem with big hips and small waists is you have to buy pants that fit your hips not your waist. The struggles.
"It seems Alex is the only true gentleman here." She mused, making the others blush, including Alex even if it was only a little. Alex kept his gaze away, not sure if she was done or not. "I'm done, child." Alex glanced at her to see if the clothes fit before nodding as if to say he approved. She grinned, he knew exactly what she was searching for! An approval! She plonking down onto the bed. She swung around to hang over the bed and read over his shoulder. He had leaned with his back against the bed frame so she rested her chin on his shoulder. The soldiers seemed horrified by that act. Their cub wasn't reacting much to it! He didn't even seem to care that the woman has already breached the borderline of personal space! She got bored a while later, fidgeting and wanting Alex's attention. "You can always play cards with them you know." Alex murmured, not looking up from his book.
"Nah. They are all cheating. It's no fun." She dismissed, rolling onto her back. Alex tilted his head from side to side, not disagreeing. The soldiers had looked up, glaring at each other now that they know they had been cheating on one another. "So how's your girl?" She asked, wriggling her eyebrows. Everyone looked up, shocked and confused. "What girl?" Eagle asked.
"Didn't you have a girlfriend?" Winchester asked Alex.
"No. When did I have a girlfriend?"
"That chick I saw you with in the restaurant that day! She was a pretty woman I must admit, if I must guess she looks Israeli ."
"She is Israeli, from Mossad working with N.C.I.S. as liaison."
"So she's not your girlfriend?" She pestered.
"No! Just a... Colleague, a friend. I worked with them for a while as a liaison as well."
"You guys close?"
"Alright I guess... We both worked for Mossad before, been partner together once or twice."
"You worked for Mossad?!" Winchester asked, rolling onto her stomach to gawk at him. Alex frowned at the reaction. "How surprising is that? I worked with many nations and their intelligence agencies."
"How are you still alive..."
"Are you relating Israel with terrorism? Scorpia is a terrorist organisation too and I was trained by them." Alex muttered under his breath, hoping no one heard but they did even though they didn't comment, knowing how much he hated talking about it. The SEALS had been briefly spoken to about this by Alex and they understood the boy's message - don't react too harshly and keep your mouth zip about it, no telling anyone else. "So you dating?"
"I don't know."
"How would you not know?!" She exclaimed.
"Well I don't know if my partner still likes me or not..."
"How would you not?! If she didn't like you she would have broke it off with you!"
"I didn't say anything about a she, and my partner is dead how do you suppose I know what the relationship status with a dead person is. One second you're a couple and the next he just drops dead."
"Dead?! He?! You're gay?" She screeched softly, trying not to let the outside heard them. The others gasped softly. "Do you have a problem with gays? And no, I am bisexual - there's a difference but oh well. You straight people need to know it's okay to be gay, don't tell a gay person it's okay to be gay. We. Bloody. Know."
"You like both?! Why didn't you tell me?! I could have hooked you up, I have two huge lines for you to choose from."
"Males and females! Geez! We had all thought you were asexual! But turns out. Ba dum tss! You're into both!" She said, happy that she found out.
"Uhh, don't worry about it... I have a partner that I'll just pretend is still around..."
"I knew it."
"What?" Alex looked at her, tired but amused.
"You have high standards don't you? Hmm... This partner of yours must be good looking and has an amazing personality." Alex didn't deny or approve. He just smiled sadly. That was enough... Enough for them to figure out he wouldn't want anyone else to replace his dead partner.

Alex Rider: Back in Beacons with the SEALSWhere stories live. Discover now