Chapter 22

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$20 000 on a child... you gotta be kidding. That's a lot of money to even have for a young boy like Cub. "I do earn a lot you guys know that?" Alex said drily when he noticed them all mulling over the sum of money. They had the decency to look guilty for thinking so hard about it. Alex shuffled away from the sergeant and his little girl - Helen. Same name as my mum. Alex mused as he joined his unit quietly. They nodded at him as they took in his appearance, worn out and wary. Sergeant's kid did mention that he would be covered in 'red stuff' when he got taken away and brought back. How much injuries did Cub receive? His back seem to be hurting a lot if he was showing it just then. Riptide and Snake's eyes narrowed at Alex and he knew exactly what the two medics were thinking about. "Not here, not now." Alex muttered just as Helen came sprinting towards him. The little girl eagerly pulled at Alex's jacket, wanting his attention. She tugged at him to get up before pulling him to the kitchen, Alex noted that a piece of paper was clutched in her small fist. Alex looked back at the sergeant who was watching. The man nodded at him, immediately knowing what the look he sent was trying to convey. The note was written by sergeant himself and he knew their dear old Cub would listen to Helen and never rejected the child's requests. 

Well played sir, well played. Alex mused, a smirk graced his lips. It was long enough that sergeant had saw the emotion on his face. He was quick at figuring out why he had chosen Helen to do it. Alex came back out with a delighted Helen bouncing around him as he balanced a tray of food for them both. Helen bolted for her father's table and Alex followed, setting the tray down on the table. Helen had been quick to make sure Alex stayed with them at the table. She even sat beside him, choosing not to sit with her father. Alex stirred the hot soup the cook had made for him - not even eating, Helen was devouring her portion but she stopped when she realised that he wasn't eating. This had happened often when they had been in the dark cell and when they had been free. Alex would usually give her a big portion of his share and just swallow a bite or two. Everyone was trying not to stare. Helen was trying to guide Alex's hand to make him start eating. It seemed so practiced, like she done this so many times. Alex took a sip on his own, making Helen grin and she watched him like a hawk to make sure he was taking another sip before returning to her meal. The others watched Alex, something doesn't seem right. Is he in pain? Is something wrong with his throat? Helen finished and sat watching Alex, making sure he was eating. The teen played with his food, stirring it clockwise, anti-clockwise before reluctantly taking another sip. After a few more stare downs to get Alex to drink more, Helen hesitated before accepting the fact that he doesn't want to eat anymore. The soup was barely half way finished. She pulled the bowl towards her as Alex nudged it to her side. She finished the rest of the soup and Alex smiled at her softly when she grinned at him with a satisfied look. He patted her on the head subconsciously. Sergeant shot him a look, he knows something is wrong and he wants to know what. Alex looked at him and then Helen, not here in front of the child was his message. She launched into an animated conversation with her father, bringing Alex into the conversation ever so often. Often enough that it seem like she was checking in on Alex. The boy rested his head on his palm, arm propped up on the table. He looked so tired but he was trying not to fall asleep. Helen was soon getting tired too. She nested herself in Alex's side, the boy patting her until she fell asleep to the soothing rhythm. Alex adjusted so he could stand up and rest Helen back on the bench. Most of  the soldiers already started packing up, Alex glared at them when they dared to slow down to see if he was okay. He wasn't okay but he didn't need to hinder them all. 

After much glaring, the soldiers decided to just stay around and be alert to anything so they can be ready to rush him to the infirmary. They got ready to sleep, Alex of course was the last one in the entire base to use the shower because he hated showering with anyone in the near vicinity of the shower. Do you not trust us Cub?

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