Chapter 13

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"He doesn't need this." Eagle said quietly as they looked at the teen that is now resting because he had fainted at the shooting range.
"But there is nothing we can do about it." Wolf said, turning his head slightly to look at his unit. They all looked grim at the thought of not being able to help the unit member. "But this is child abuse." Riptide growled, looking like he is ready to storm up to the heads of MI6 and punch the living day lights out of them. Everyone wants to, actually. The sergeant suddenly burst into the infirmary, looking pissed off with a phone clutched in his hand. The soldiers all snapped to attention on instinct. "At ease soldiers... MI6 called." They stiffened immediately. They would only call for one or two things. One is for a rescue operation, the second is for Cub. The latter seems more likely.
"For Cub, sir?"
"Yes. They want Cub for a mission. They couldn't contact him so they called me thinking he was kidnapped but when I told them that he wasn't they said they needed him." Tyler explained.
"But, but he just fainted! We don't know what's wrong with him but it is definitely from those missions! He is going to tear himself apart!" Twister exclaimed, almost shouting at the sergeant. He clamped a hand over his mouth. "I'm sor-"
"Don't apologise soldier, you're right but there is nothing we can do. MI6 can easily overpower us."
"MI6 would probably charge you guys with illegal imprisonment or with obstruction of justice or whatever they can cook up. Anything you can't think of, they can pull it off to take you by surprise." A voice said, making everyone turn around.
"Cub! You shouldn't get out of bed!" Snake chastised as they saw the boy trying to sit up.  Alex shot him a look. "If I don't, y'all are going to get into trouble." Alex said in his usual soft emotionless tone.

"When is Cubbiekins going to be back?"
"Who knows? Soon, I hope. It has been about a week and a half." Wolf said, hoping to see if their Cub was going to walk in through the cabin door. The soldiers were gathering around on the floor playing with a deck of cards. No one was even happy enough to be fooling around and cheating. "What's with the long face?" a voice asked from the door. The soldiers tensed, they hadn't heard the person opening the door. But the voice seems really familiar...
"CUBBIEKINS!!!!" Eagle shouted in excitement, jumping up and running to the door, almost tackling the boy to the ground with his forceful hug. Though the thing was... why is Eagle still holding onto Alex and why hasn't Alex thrown the man to the ground by instincts yet? The boy even wrapped an arm around Eagle's torso, burying his face into the man's wide and muscular chest. "Cub? What's wrong?" Eagle asked, trying to see the boy's face while also trying to give the boy as long a hug as he needs. The rules when hugging a younger child was to always be the second one to let go because you never know how long a hug they need - be it for fun or to gain some emotional support. "I'm glad you guys are okay." Alex muttered into the man's chest.
"Why would we not be? We are like the power 8, the 8 of us can do anything. But with you, we would be the invincible team." Twister joked, hoping to lightening the teen's mood. Alex released Eagle and gave Twister a small weak smirk at the attempt. "The people I was spying on said they were going to target military bases."
"Did you tell sarge?"
"I did. I found their list and it has all the military around the world, along with each of  their bases' co-ordinates listed." Alex explained as he moved to his bed, sitting down on it gently. The usually squeaky bed didn't even protest under his weight, not even a slight creak could be heard. Its either he was really light or he sat down so gently it didn't move much. The soldiers were leaning towards the first option as they took in the teen's appearance. "Go back to your game and stop staring at me." Alex said as he turned to dig through his bag. Alex pulled out a granola bar from his bag and tore apart the packaging. He stuck the bar between his teeth as he dug through another bag for his uniform. "What?" Alex asked, chewing on the oat bar as he arranging his clothing to see if he had everything.
"Are you hungry?" Snake asked and Alex looked at him as if he grew a second head. But the medic was absolutely serious when he asked that question. "Yes?" Alex answered hesitantly. Snake seem to blink at the response in surprise. "Go shower, Cub. Meet us in the mess hall, its almost lunch anyways." Snake ordered gently.
"Okay..." Alex said, trailing off in confusion, wondering why Snake had seemed surprised by his response. Actually, the two units had the same reaction the SAS medic did. Alex grabbed his boots from under the bed and glided to the shower area located outside the barracks. When Alex was done, he unhurriedly dropped off his belongings into K-unit's cabin. Alex took his time to walk to the mess hall. Everywhere on his body was sore and throbbing in pain. He had to make sure that all the blood that he had washed from his body was cleared away or else which ever soldier that saw it would hunt him down, knowing it was him that was injured. He didn't want all medics on his tail. They might have just been concern about others' wellbeing but they are a pain in the ass. He may or may not have had to endure the pain of stitching himself up after showering. There was this stupid wound somewhere on his back that he could barely reach. Life is so troublesome...

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