Chapter 11

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"Is it bad to say I'm worried?" Eagle asked quietly, as he sat on his bunk. He has toned down on his hyperness ever since their Cub had left for his mission almost a two weeks ago. "We're all worried." Snake said wearily rubbing his face.
"He said he would just take a few days, a week at most but now?! He isn't even back yet and it's has almost been two weeks!" Eagle exploded, waving his arms around to emphasise his concern.
"I am sure he can take care of himself." Hurricane reassured but he looked like he was having troubles reassuring himself too. "Let's get some sleep, he'll be back soon." Wolf suggested and padded over to the lights and flicked it off.

Alex sighed as he adjusted his uniform before stepping out of the car. He didn't want to bump into anyone and have them question him on his sloppiness and then scream at him for his disrespect then have him run through punishments. He was so tired and injured that he could barely stand any longer. He also felt physically sick and feeling very cold. I guess I'm sick. Alex thought dryly as he slipped into the barrack and towards K-unit's cabin. With the same grace, he moved into the cabin before gently and quietly eased himself onto his own bed. He quickly and quietly unlaced his boots and placed it under his bed, then got under the covers and fell asleep the second he hit his pillow.
Wolf was the first one to wake up the next day and he shook the others awake and they started getting dress. Everyone froze when they heard something unusual. Silence met their ears and they thought they were just imagining it, they were about to continue dressing when they heard it again. A soft short hum, like a phone vibrating when someone calls. "What was that?" Eagle hissed in alarmed. There was then a small groaned of pain and the sound of blanket shifting.
"Yes?" Cub!!! He's back!! The soldiers stayed silent as Alex was talking on the phone.
"For God's sake," Alex groaned as he sat up swiftly and bent over to rummage in his duffle bag he slid under the bed, "alright, do you see a folder? No, to your left. The blue one, there is only one blue folder... Now, the things you need are on page 20-30, all of it... You can photocopy it but you can't take the original copy. Good. Now stop pestering me and as I like to quote the movie Taken:' I will find you and I will kill you.'" Alex said dismissively before replacing his tablet into his bag and hung up. He sighed and fell back onto the bed, draping an arm over his eyes.
"You're back!" Both Eagle and Hurricane exploded in delight. Alex peeked at the two men that look like they were ready to pounce on him once they receive some sort of all clear signal. "If you jump on me, I'm sure Snake and Riptide would kill you, being the medic of the team. Then Wolf and Typhoon will join in on the fun just because they think you two are hella annoying." Alex deadpanned as he buried himself under the covers. "Now, please let me sleep." Alex whispered, a little emotion slipping into his voice. The two units froze. He sounded tired... upset, he sounded like he wanted to cry.
The two units looked at each other, all having the same concern: Cub. "Hey you okay?" Snake asked as he moved over and patted Alex's leg to make him move a little for him to sit. He didn't expect that strong reaction though. Alex jerked as if Snake had hit a nerve. Literally. The poor boy winced when he jerked, he is clearly in pain. "Whats wrong?" Riptide asked, worry lining his face as he approached and the others moved away to give the medics space.
Alex peeked at them wearily from the edges of the blanket. "I just need some sleep." Alex said quietly, masking his actual emotions. He felt like shit, like someone chained him up and beat him up then drove a tank over him. He should be dead, yes, but he somehow survived. "Do you need us to check your... injuries?" Snake asked and he received a stare right back, which he flinched when their eyes met. He has never seen eyes so cold, so dark... yet so emotionless at the same time.
Alex was pondering his decision on whether he should let them see to his injuries or say they are classified. Alex sighed and eased himself off the bed. "I broke a few bones and sprained an ankle, a little fracture in the wrist."
"Are you sure that?" Snake asked suspiciously, examining Alex's wrist. Snake know of Alex's ability when it comes to medical, it had thrown him off guard once when Alex was able to create some sort of anti-venom, without much equipment, that lasted long enough for them to bring the injured soldier to a medical facility that had equipment to remove the poison. Then he had subtly tested Alex on his medical knowledge. It was broad, and by broad I mean, there are stuff that Snake does not know and Alex knows and he knows like the back of his hand- almost second nature.
Alex shot him a look which clearly said 'I have more but thats all I'm gonna show you.' Snake sighed in frustration at the secretive teen. "... You know, I've been thinking... Are you going let go? Like stop?" Twister asked their team member. Alex looked up at him and didn't even reaction when Riptide and Snake accidentally shifted his banged up wrist in the wrong direction. They were apologizing profusely and Alex just frowned at their apology before waving them off with the same hand that should be extremely painful to even move! A few gawked at him whilst he focused his attention on Twister who tried, and failed, to keep the eye contact.
Alex sighed and looked away. "I don't know... I, I can't."
"What do you mean?" Twister asked quietly sitting on the bed in front of the boy, taking in the boy's everything- reactions, emotions, body language- trying to find something, anything. They almost gasped when they realized what the weird sound in his voice was. He was trying to choke back his emotions.

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