Chapter 8

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Alex was still pondering about the soldier's suspicious behaviour while he took a shower and walked back to the cabin. He became extremely warily as the cabin lights weren't on. It was usually on and at this timing he would usually hear one of the soldiers yelling at Eagle and the said man screaming or giggling, trying to escape the grasp of angry soldiers. The rest who weren't on the catch-Eagle-so-we-can-have-a-roast-bird team would be in the cabin either talking, reading, playing card games, etc.
None of them, I mean none of them, would sleep or turn off the lights before it was lights out. Today's activities were not that demanding on K-unit, maybe a little on the SEALS but they shouldn't be extremely exhausted. Even if the SEALS turn into bed early, K-unit would stay up to use their free time to socialise.
Alex looked around for any signs that the soldiers has been taken, none. The kidnappers must be a professional to be able to get through such tight security and kidnap 8 well built soldiers off a tightly secured area or the soldiers are planning to take Alex by surprise. RTI. Sort of. It's one of the two, Alex is extremely sure of that. He took hold of the cold metal handle of his gun as he neared the cabin. He knocked firmly twice on the slightly ajar door. He got not response in return but he heard a slight shuffle in the cabin. Flight or fight? He could probably take on whoever that was in there but remember, he is injured and utterly exhausted.
He can only play hero for so long before the hero falls and needs saving instead. He is the only hero that doesn't get recognised. He doesn't even recognise himself. He killed so many people. He was so ruthless. He is hated by everyone. He hates himself, that's how bad it is.
Then he heard a murmur and caught a tiny bit of the voice. Eagle and Hurricane. Ah, always the one that gets the unit exposed when they are trying to be serious. But that joker can be serious when required. Alex silently sighed in relief that the unit wasn't captured but what are they planning exactly?
Alex loosen his grip on the gun and went to one of his pockets to retrieve a torch instead. He opened the door and pointed his readied torch immediately and the light caught a few of their faces. They all looked extremely shocked or surprised. "What?! How?! You- huh?" Hurricane spluttered as Alex flicked the light switch and lights illuminated the room. "You guys made a few mistakes or should it be flaws in your plans? How ever you like to see it." Alex said as he kept the torch and moved to his bed. "What?"
"Think about it." Alex said. "What were you guys planning?" He immediately interrogated.
"We wanted to know what you were hiding!" Eagle exclaimed as he sat down on his bunk heavily.
"And how do you plan on making me tell you that?"
"... Uh, we don't know. We just planned on pinning you down and, yeah. We didn't think we'll get to that step, which is kind of true." Fox explained. The rest of the night of uneventful and they all turn in for the night soon after.
Alex sighed as he leaned on his strong bow that was almost as tall as he was. They were given choices for weapons and Alex decided to avoid the guns so he took the knifes and bow and arrow. The rest of the unit was amused by his choice but didn't say anything. Wolf and Typhoon were currently arguing about which direction they should take and none is willing to admit that they all lost. Alex knows exactly where they are as he marked the trees for situations like this. They have been going in circles for the past hour. Eagle and Hurricane look like they are both planning on stealing the pack with emergency food that they can't use unless there is absolutely no food. Alex looked up to calculate roughly what time of the day it was. Almost noon. "When are we stopping for lunch?" Eagle whined. Alex hung his bag on a strong sturdy branch before he pulled out a arrow to put against the bow. He readied the bow whilst he scanned his surroundings. He spotted some animals and he drew back the bow before releasing the arrow that wheezed through the air and pierced two hare. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing to gawk at him. "What?" Alex asked without looking at them as he drew out another arrow and shot, this time piercing another two hare. "I think Cub has the right idea." Snake commented and Riptide agreed. Fox and Twister went to retrieve the four hare. Wolf and Typhoon, the strongest of the two units, went to collect firewood. Eagle and Hurricane was ordered to get water when the two soldiers were just standing around. Alex started to prep the food with Snake and Riptide but Alex was very fast and efficient causing to soldiers to gawk at him even more. "You can literally do everything." Eagle gasped in awe.
"Comes with the profession." Alex said as he cooked the meat on the fire that they started.
Alex finished his food first so he snatched the map from Wolf and Typhoon to study them. He traced his finger on the lines of the map to work out where their exact location is. "So, where are we going, genius?" Fox asked. Alex pointed in the direction that they were suppose to have taken and it was the direction the two leaders didn't point out, so they were both wrong. Haha, jokes on them.
"Where have we been going then?" Wolf asked as they packed up. Alex raised his bow and tapped the tree he marked. "We went in circles."
"How dare you." Eagle said shaking a fist at his team leader.
"Hold it in Eagle." Alex said as he turned around to continue on the trek. The rest of the soldiers soon followed, all falling into their own quiet conversations. "Why?" Eagle suddenly blurted out.
"Why what?" Fox asked, confused by the man's question.
"Why do I have to hold it in?" Eagle asked, directing the question to Cub who just looked at him before keeping his eyes back on the road ahead so he doesn't accidentally trip. "Trust me. This is the best form of revenge. Just sit back and relax, let Karma do him up and if she's nice, she might even let you watch." Alex said, taking a glance at the rest of the soldiers to make sure they are okay. "Do you guys want a break or to keep going?"
Everyone else looked at each other as if transmitting invisible signals to communicate with each other. "How long more?" Wolf asked.
"You weren't looking at the map." It was a statement not a question but Wolf answered anyways with a sheepish shake of his head. "You weren't either." Riptide pointed out.
"Good point but you forgot what I said to you guys. Anyways, we're 10 minutes away."
"What? What did we forget?"
"Think about it." Alex said as Fox gestured to continue on the journey. Only 10 more minutes left, why not finish it now and get it over with?

"Well! I saw some leadership coming from Cub today. Good job on marking the trees and reading the map, Cub! I am very impressed by your archery skills. " Tyler complimented as the paced in front of the soldiers.
"Thank you sir."
"Now, go wash up and get ready for dinner! You're the first unit so far to have ever been able to make it back before dinner."
"Thank you sir!" They all said before turning to leave. They all made it back thanks to Cub. Who knew that kid could do such amazing things? To think he is an MI6 agent. Think of things this little boy could save.

Alex Rider: Back in Beacons with the SEALSWhere stories live. Discover now