Chapter 14

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Alex was greeted by a few units as he passed by, still pondering why his unit and the SEALS unit reacted so strangely. Alex scrolled through his social media feed. He created an anime on stage account that posts pictures of the actors/ cast members involved in the musical or production or whatever you like to call it (those live-action kind of stuff), pretending to fawning over how hot the actors were so that he could still have a social media account and not get tracked down by criminal organisations. The main stage adaptations he posts about were Touken Ranbu, Naruto and Prince of Tennis season 2 cast members. To be honest, he does find a few of them quite good-looking...
Alex was about to enter the mess hall which was starting to fill up with soldiers when he spotted the sergeant with a few men in suits. They turned his way to look at him and sergeant's eyes followed. "Ah! This is one of our soldiers, codename-"
"Devil?" One of them muttered in recognition, Alex raised a hand lazily in greetings to the men. "Mr president." Alex greeted, extending a hand when he reached them. Then he shook hands with the rest of the secret service agents. "What are you doing here?" The president asked as they stood near the entrance of the mess hall, conversing and reaching many glances from the soldiers going in or already inside. Alex shrugged slightly. "A place to stay?"
Alex tensed when he felt someone approach them at rapid speed, he was held in a headlock with something cold and hard pointing to his head. The secret agents tensed but didn't move, in fear that they would blow Alex's brains out. "Get inside, all of you. I have you all surrounded so don't even think about trying any funny business." All of them were soon ordered to go to one side of the mess hall, everyone of them complying due to the hostage situation. It was quite a few soldiers to just 6 people but if they did anything reckless the first one dead would be Alex.
"Alrighty! Mr president if you would be so kind as to tell us what the code to the launchers are, we will not blow this boy's brains out." The one holding Alex pressed the gun to his head harder to emphasis his point. Alex let out a quiet breath in exasperation, rolling his eyes at the cliche request. Everyone that were facing Alex was staring at him like he was crazy. He was rolling his eyes when he has a gun pointed to his head! "Well? What's your decision? This boy is a pretty one actually... We might bring him back to have some fun before we kill him." Everyone tensed, that statement practically screamed that they were going to rape him. Alex's mouth moved slightly. The president blinked to say he understood Alex's mouthing. "Go ahead and take him. He is of no use anyways." The soldiers turned to glare at him angrily. The attackers seemed to be taken by surprise by the response. "What?"
"You heard him. Quit the chit chat and get it done and over with, stop wasting my time." Alex said.
"You are pretty suicidal huh kid?" The barrel was used to push his head to remind him of the gun in the man's hand.
"Hmm... Now that you mentioned it, I think I might be suicidal. Getting tortured and then escaping by jumping from building to building with all those crazy people chasing after me in all sorts of transportation available and shooting at me seems a bit suicidal now that I think about it." Alex mused, pretending to be pondering.
"I have y'all surrounded remember that, kid. I could take you and kill them all before forcing the answers out from the president himself."
"What president?" Alex asked, trying to confuse the attackers.
"Huh? That one! Are you stupid?!"
"That's not that the president, dumbass. Why would the president of the United States make his way to a British military base and take a stroll around the area. He ain't got time for that."
"But but we followed Air Force One! We knows it's correct!"
"Don't be foolish. There's always two planes, one with and one without the president in it. You followed the wrong one." Alex said softly in amusement. He heard a snicker from behind them. "Quit laughing!" The man hissed at the only woman in the group.
"Sorry dear, can't help it. That kid is amusing."
"At your service, milady." Alex said to the woman who moved a little towards them. The woman giggled. "Don't you f*ing dare flirt with my girl." The butt of the gun was sent towards Alex's head. Everyone flinched as the teen's head whipped to the side and blood started dripping down. They were surprise Alex was still conscious from the heavy blow. "You may have us surrounded but you are still foolish." Alex said in a patronising soft tone, angering the man.
"You and what army?" The man sneered.
"Me." The woman said, turning her gun towards the other 4. Alex took the opportunity to grab the gun just as the first shot was fired. He sent a round house kick towards the man as he fired at the remaining two when the second shot from the woman rang out. Both Alex and the woman pointed their guns at the man laying on the ground, approaching him cautiously. "Knives in his boots, another gun in the left ankle holster." She muttered to Alex who quickly stripped the unconscious man of weapons and searched him for anymore items that could be used as a weapon before cuffing him up. "Nice work buddy!"

Note: I do feel like this part is irrelevant but it's been swimming around my head quite a while now so... here you go. Now y'all know I just dump any crazy and stupid ideas I get here onto my Fanfictions.

Alex Rider: Back in Beacons with the SEALSWhere stories live. Discover now