Chapter 15

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Alex rolled his eyes playfully at her childish behaviour before accepting the high five. "Show me more enthusiasm!"
"I'm tired and I'm hungry and I'm bleeding, what do you want?" Alex asked, trying to see if the wound is serious. The woman laughed tucking her gun in her waist band. "I was only joking, tell your friends to not point that at me. Geez." Alex's eyes drifted to them, he gestured for them to lower their weapons. Once he was satisfied with them all putting their guns back into their holsters, he turned to stare at the four dead bodies. The assumed leader is propped up in one corner, unconscious and tightly secured. "You missed by 5 millimetres." Alex said, pointing to one of them as the woman pushed him to sit down so she can clean and dress his wound up. "Aww shoot! Still?! I have been practicing for like forever! I practically practiced till my arms felt like they were going to fall off from all the recoil." She whined, her eyes darting from the body to his wound while she was cleaning. "You did it no problem in like one week. Without looking even! What the heck! This isn't fair."
"Life is never fair, Winchester. Deal with it." Alex said, looking at the table. The soldiers were all tensed, not trusting the woman.
"Hey! Don't jab at the fact that I like Supernatural! Actually... Keep calling me that. I like that name." The woman said.
"Who are you?" The sergeant asked suspiciously. She smiled mysteriously but never looked up at any of them. Alex closed his eyes as he waited patiently for her to be done. "A friend." She replied, amusement lacing her voice.
"Of Cub?"
"Who's cub?"
"Me, Winchester. Focus." Alex said when she almost poked him in the eye with the cotton ball soaked with disinfectant. She started snickering as she tried to contain it but it was proven futile. "You? You're the Cub? Then they'll all be the little sperm that is still trying to find its way to the egg." Winchester said, laughing and wiggling her finger. Alex smirked at her laughter and her insult towards the rest of the occupants of the room. She was snorting and laughing, bending over trying to catch her breath. Alex sighed and took the equipment from her to do it himself but she snatched it back and resumed cleaning. "Seriously though. Why the f* are you called Cub? You literally make Satan look like a damsel in distress." Alex pished at her.
"Don't exaggerate."
"I'm serious guys! You should see him in action!" Winchester exclaimed, looking up at everyone whom settled down at the tables to eat. The president and his guards sit not far away from Alex with the sergeant himself, watching. "And what? That kid going to cry about losing his parents, making everyone annoyed? And you, you f*ing slut how dare you betray me!" The tied up man snarled. "Just because of that pretty boy you betray me?!"
"Oh you're awake." Winchester dismissed rudely. "You can't betray someone whom you were never with in the first place." She grumbled under her breath, thinking back about the fact that the man was about to propose to her. Thank god he hasn't, she would cry he did.
"I don't have parents." Alex said, making everyone pause in shock at the sudden information. "They died before I even knew them, and how dare you call a woman a slut - such disrespect to a woman. People like you deserve to be punished." Alex said, looking at the man with a cold piercing gaze.
"Oh? What can you do?" He sneered. Winchester snorted."You don't recognise him do you?"
"Why should I?" He hissed, glaring at them all.
"We get tagged with him for a short period. He came with a Scorpia background remember? The best of the best." She said, finishing her statement in satisfaction. Alex looked unaffected by the label which most of them knew he didn't like. "That's the kid? This punk looks nothing like the kid we got tagged with. Where's all the tattoos and piercings?" He questioned, not one second believing such a suave looking boy could be the heartless boy they got.
"Tattoos were mostly fake, Scorpia's one is right here," Alex said, tapping the black wrist band after pushing up his sleeve slightly, "took off most of the piercings." Alex said, pushing his hair away to show the remaining ones, the multiple helix piercings and standard lobe piercing.
"So? What can you do? That proves nothing. You're just a mere child." Winchester finished up bandaging the wound before stomping up the the rude man. She bunched up a fistful of his clothing near his neck, pulling him up to get right up into his face. She glared in furiously at him.
"Listen up you-"
"Leave it Win."
"He insulted you." She fired back.
"That's not even an insult." Alex replied, infuriating the man to no ends by his lack of emotions. Winchester blinked at him before releasing the man none too gently. She stormed to the counter to get food, making the soldiers tense as she passed by. Alex watched her retrieving the food and making faces at the grub, showing her displeasure at the food they are suppose to be eating. "How do you even eat this?" Winchester muttered to herself so that the cook doesn't hear it, not wanting to hurt the cook's feelings. Alex shot her an amused look. "It's not that bad."
"Then why are you not eating?"
"Tired." Alex muttered, making her worry.
"What do we do about him?" Winchester asked. Alex looked at him and then to her, smirking.

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