Chapter 6

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They all finished dinner and went back to their cabins, some went to get their clothes to take a shower. Alex had been the first one in and out of the shower and when the rest of the unit came back they saw Alex already sitting on his bed, writing something. "What are you doing?" Alex hadn't looked up when he notice them come in but he did when Eagle and Hurricane can ask a question in an impossible sync. "... Did someone possess the both of you?" Twister asked in mock horror.
"What?! Where?!" The both looked around, only to be met with their teammates face palming. Alex rolled his eyes mentally as his face still kept that blank expression before tuning them out and turning back to whatever he was writing. The two hyperactive soldiers asked their question again, only to get a one worded reply. "Report."
"Why?" The two curious soldiers just can't keep their mouth shut or even have any chill. Again another one worded reply.
"Damn! Not again!" Eagle whined before plonking down on his bed. Snake was sitting on the one above him with his feet dangling off the sides. They were all sleeping in bunkbeds except for Alex as it would be a waste of beds to put a bunkbed when no one is going to sleep on the top one.
Eagle tried to stealthy shift over to Alex before snatching the report out of his hands and running off towards Wolf, hiding behind him. Alex had already saw Eagle start the operation 'get the report to find out what it is' attempt. He also knew that no one in this room would get what he was writing as it was a crypt he wrote himself and only a selected few knows how decrypt his documents because they have the key. Somewhere in the back of Eagle's mind, he wondered why Alex didn't tackle him down nor chase after him to get the report back. Their Cub didn't even flinch when he took the report, hell! He didn't even move from his current spot against the wall, where he looked at them with a glint in his eyes. He was clearly amused, they could tell by the ghost of a smirk gracing his lips. When Eagle looked at it, he was utterly confused. His eyebrows furrowed together as he tried to understand what Alex was writing. He held it out for Wolf to see if he understand any of what was written. "What the hell is that?"
"How would I know?! I'm asking you the same question!" Eagle exclaimed as the report was passed 'round until it got back to Alex. "Why did you pass it back?!" Typhoon asked Riptide who bunked right in front of Alex's bed with Typhoon sitting on the bunk above him. "Because it belongs to him and we would not be able to get anything from him even if we have the report. Hell, we can threaten to burn it and he'll just stare back at you nonchalantly and dare you to burn it. He might even decide to help set up the fire to burn the papers." Twister said. Whoa... Hence the nickname! Just how twisted is his mind but whatever he say can somehow make sense and be a fact?!
"You know me so well." Alex said.
"Really! Would you really burn that paper?" Hurricane asked. Alex just regarded them before flicking on a lighter and lit up the edge of the paper. Everyone stared in shock, they didn't actually expect him to light up the paper! Alex opened the window and released the paper to let it fly and disintegrate in the chilly Wales night weather. "But-but how are you going to submit that?"
"... Did I forget to tell you guys my memory is almost close to perfection? Like photographic memory, just that I can't remember some details like when I was a born and stuff." Alex said before taking out papers to start writing the report again.
"Aren't you annoyed?"
"About what?"
"... Writing the report again?" Wolf asked.
"I sense you have another motive to that question." Alex commented, writing as fast as he can to catch up with the amount of time lost and since he doesn't have to crypt it, it's a lot faster. The unfortunate thing that followed with him burning his paper was that he was already on his last sentence then but oh well... Desperate situation calls for desperate measures. This situation isn't that desperate.... Still. There was a long silence with Alex not answering the question and Wolf in a limbo on whether to ask him the question he had been dying to ask or not. Fox nudged him and jerked his head towards Alex.
"Um, your memory... Uh, what about those things that you wish to forget?" Wolf asked, speaking as quickly as he could so if Alex didn't catch what he said, Wolf can just brush it off. Alex paused his speed yet neat writing. Alex chewed on the insides of his cheeks and lips. He looked up and they saw the pain. The pain, fear, sadness, anguish, anger, all the negative emotions are all flashing through his eyes. "I don't. I can't forget them. No matter how hard I try." Alex whispered hoarsely as he turned back to finish the last bits of his report. The older soldiers looked at each other. If their Cub is an active field agent, he must have experienced lots of horrible things. Things that could lead to PTSD. Does this kid have PTSD?
Alex waited till everyone was asleep before he could actually sleep. The soldiers had been playing poker which Alex declined the offer to as he still have work to do and he wasn't in the mood to play, it wouldn't be fun with a bunch of soldier he can easily win and they cheat, really badly at cheating for the matter. Alex had caught at them all cheating but chose not to comment as he spectated the game quietly from his spot. They even somehow inserted a short pillow fight in between a game of poker. Alex had hoped that he wouldn't have any nightmares but too bad, God doesn't like him very much.

"You killed me!" An American voice screeched. Alex twirled around to see his red headed American best friend and housekeeper. Her body was all charred and her hair was burned to dry burnt sticks, some hair stuck to her wet sweaty cheeks and forehead. "Jack." Alex breathed as the said woman scowled at him.
"You killed me. I shouldn't have stayed! You got all of us killed!" Jack howled in anger before she disappeared into the shadows. Yassen appeared for a brief second then some of his other friends from the other agencies. All killed. All dead because of him. Because he wasn't there to save them. Because he made a bond with them. The bodies piled up. His best friends, good friends, work partners, all piling up. Then his lover, the love of his-

Alex bolted up with a almost silent gasp as his rib exploded in blinding pain. Alex clamped his mouth shut as he realised where he was and he looked around to make sure that he had woken up none of the soldiers. Thank god. Alex sighed internally as he silently rummaged for the painkillers in his bag. He dry-swallowed the pills whilst glaring at his fingers. He wasn't suppose to be able see a single thing in the darkness but because of his... Experiences and training, he can see better than most people in the dark. Alex shifted so he leaned in the very corner of the two walls, he tucked his legs in and rested his head on his knees. He didn't know how long he stayed in that position but he knew he had fallen asleep because of utter exhaustion.
Wolf was always the first one to wake up in the morning, followed by Snake, then Fox. The SEALS had woken up somewhere between Wolf and Eagle who was still sleeping. Snoring even. "Who should do the honors?" Riptide asked but no one had time to answer because Fox has already gone over to send a foot to the sleeping soldier's butt. Eagle's eyes flew open and the next thing he knew, his entire body met the ground. "Owwwwww!!! F* you!" Eagle screamed as he wrestled with the sheets to untangle himself. He jumped up and chased the grinning Fox around the room. They both came to a halt at their Cub's bed. He was not sleeping in a position people normally sleep in, he has tucked himself in the crook of the safety of two walls. He was so small he seem to fit snugly into the small tight space. "Is he awake?" Eagle whispered as he gingerly moved to his bed to get changed. They looked at Alex's appearance. He was already dressed properly, he just needs the boots to complete the look. "Don't know. Who should wake him?" Typhoon asked this time in a hushed voice. Alex's eyes opened, he looked at them in amusement. They were all trying to bicker as quietly as possible, whilst trying to figure out who would wake the kid that took down more than half of the SAS soldiers and 4 SEALS without even getting out of breath. "I ain't gonna wake the kid up! He took us all down for god's sake! Without as much as batting an eyelash!" Typhoon said. Alex slid to the edge of his bed to pull on his boots. He was wondering how long it's gonna take for them to realise. He sat there, leaning his elbows on his knees with his hand supporting his head. He even dug out a book from his duffle bag and started reading, they didn't even notice!
3 minutes later.
Alex got bored of the book so he shoved it into his pocket and stared at them whilst letting his mind wander. They all felt someone staring at them so they stopped their bickering and turned. Alex was sitting there looking bored af and not actually in the room. He had this somewhat far away gaze but it still held the wariness and alertness. "You're awake!" Eagle and Hurricane exclaimed. Alex's eyebrows flew up, it was the closest thing to surprise they would get from him. We need to get the kid to open up...

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