Chapter 20

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This was an insanely boring day. Alex had led Winchester to their team activities which she insisted on joining which meant she had to borrow Alex's uniform and he has to hunt for another pair of shoes for her. They trekked and trekked through the forest. Everything seemed so dull, she was so not used to this. She lived in the city for so long, it wasn't that she couldn't endure hardship but this was just pure boring condensed in a bottle and forced down her throat. She was used to be able to go out shopping at 3 am in the morning and be watching season after seasons of tv shows, then play video games until 12 noon when she should actually have slept 12 hours ago but didn't, choosing to stay up. Alex spoke suddenly in another language softly, it seemed to be directed at the only female in the group as she answered him. He switched from that language back to english then into another language smoothly, she seemed to have a little trouble trying to process it but she still answered anyways a while later. He was trying to keep her entertained! They realised. He must have figured that she was bored out of her mind. "Be quicker."
"My brain does not comprehend sh*t like yours does! All those languages sound the same and i have to think about it to figure out what language it freaking is." Alex glanced at her with a 'don't you try with that sort of excuses'. They finished their trek and she was the first one to bolt off to the mess hall to search for food. Alex found her looking grumpy in the cabin when the two units didn't see her in the mess hall. "You want chocolate don't you?" She twitched, how did Alex know this? He went to his belongings and pulled out a pack of chocolates. She took one gingerly from the box and refused the offer of another one. She can't just take everything of Alex's stuff. She felt bad that the boy was just giving and giving but not taking, nor is anyone offering him anything to begin with. "How can you still stay like this?" She whispered.
"Like what?" Alex frowned at her.
"You're just offering and offering everything you had, aren't you tired of it?"
"... I don't know." Alex turned away from her, he didn't necessarily liked it when people asked him questions among those lines. He appreciated the concern but he doesn't have an answer for it.
"You're going to get yourself killed!"
"I know that." Alex said, looking out the window.
"I don't want you to die."
"We don't have a choice in that."
"We do!" She screeched, pouncing on him. Alex tumbled, struggling with her. Soldiers rushed towards the cabin, hearing the shouts and struggle. They watched as Alex got pinned before he reversed it, pinning the older woman down then it got reversed again. The two of them rolled about, struggling with each other. "Stop it! Stop it and f*ing LISTEN TO ME!!" She screamed, shaking him. She was about to punch him in the face after straddling him to keep him still but she remembered the wound from yesterday, it probably still hurt him without much movement. Alex stopped and looked up at her, his fists unclenched as he tried to relax. The instinct and all is going into overdrive. He hated all those bloody instincts sometimes. He reacts to everything, wary and suspicious of everything! "All that fighting we just did! It was all your instincts! A kid doesn't need this! You should be in school, partying and dating!" She screeched, shaking his shoulder. "You should not be here! This isn't fair! This isn't fair to you!" She cried, hitting him on the chest.
"Don't do that, you're hurting my rib."
"I came here after a mission, mission equals injuries." She blinked at him before she started wailing. Alex tilted his head to see a few soldiers gathering at the door staring at them. He was about to gesture for them to leave but she started hitting him again. "Ow ow! Stop." Alex patted her on the leg.
"I swear I'm going to kill you someday." She growled out, still crying as she shook him violently and rolled off him. Alex pressed a hand to his rib, wincing in pain. "You alright cub?" Wolf asked, rushing past the soldiers to Alex who is still on the ground. The teen grounded out that he was fine before trying to stand, still gripping his abdomen where his ribs are gently. Wolf held out his arms, ready to catch Alex if he fell. On cue, Alex's knees buckled slightly from the pain. Wolf caught him as gently as possible, cradling him. "What's wrong?"
"I'm fine wolf." Alex tried to brush off.
"This isn't called being fine!" Wolf hissed back, not in anger but in utter worry that the boy was pushing himself too hard. The boy had been working very hard. It was almost like he was trying to gain some sort of approval... But the thing is, he already had the respect does he not realise it? It wasn't that hard to respect the kid when all he does is save people's lives without much thought about his own. Winchester and Wolf noted with some sort of pride that Alex wasn't wrestling Wolf to the ground, in fact the boy leaned a little against the Hispanic man as if trusting him - which he probably does. He never lets anyone touch him without attacking them first.

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