Chapter 17

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"Um sir, I mean agent- no, uh Alex?" The teen turned around to face one of the MI6 agent that ran back to the the mess hall to have a quick word with Alex. Alex turned around when he was pleased with how he was addressed. "Good job, in saving the American president and the launch codes, it's probably going to start a world war if it lands in the wrong hands." The agent added the last bit softly. Alex nodded to accept the praise, watching the rest in the mess hall move about talking softly. "Well, I best get going." The agent said. Alex glanced at him from the corner of his eyes. "We should find some time to get together to catch up. Meal will be on me." Alex suggested, the agent grinned at him nodding his head before he saluted and left knowing how much Alex hated it when they saluted him. Alex rolled his eyes even as a his lips twitched into a small smile.
"Thank you." The president said after beckoning Alex to come over.
"Yes sir. Thank you sir." Alex said, accepting the praise which made the important man chuckle a little. Such a polite little boy, where could you possibly find someone who has been through so much that isn't cursing at the world for his suffering? "What's so funny sir?"
"The fact that you my dear child isn't cursing at the world is a wonder." Alex cocked his head slightly, his hands behind his back - it wasn't a posture of disrespect or respect for the matter, it just how the boy liked to stand. Casual yet close enough to reach his weapons. He remained professional despite it not being his duty to protect the president now. His eyes still glances around the room to sense for any sort of danger. The ambush just then probably set him on edge. He is so well prepared though... He even had some materials on hand to pry information from the criminal, plus he had a backup.
"Why hate the world when it never did me any wrong?" A rhetorical question but he answered anyways.
"It did you wrong in every way, child. You're just too kind." Alex raised an eyebrow.
"I wouldn't say I'm kind, killing people isn't exactly... Kind. I'd say I'm rather sinful." The president laughed, shaking his head to disagree with Alex's statement. He gestured for Alex to sit down. Alex eyed his surroundings quickly before sitting down. "Remember you once said it was a duty to kill? You said it was a kill or be killed situation and you also said that you would do anything as long as the people you wanted to protect were safe. Even if it wasn't your duty to kill for them or to protect them, you did anyways. You shouldered the responsibility, and to have that sort of bravery... You are very noble, kind, and in every way an amazing human being." Alex pressed his lips together, knowing if he tried denying it the older man would fight to prove that Alex was a good person. Alex bowed his head humbly, accepting the praise. "Thank you sir." The president's lip twitched in amusement, still polite and not aggressive - it almost seemed nothing could rile the child up.
"Shall we continue this tour?" The president asked sergeant who looked at him then at Alex.
"Would you like Cub to tag along and do the honours?" They looked towards Alex who was looking at his friend, the woman that was previously part of the criminal's group.
"No fighting Winchester."
"Ughhhh!! They're making me so angry!" She growled out to him.
"Would you and your... friend like to come with us around the base?" Sergeant asked Alex and he nodded, seeing as it was better to separate the woman and the rest of the soldiers. He got up and pulled her along.
"They are so idiotic! I wanna punch their throat out!" She snarled, balling up her fist and shaking it in front of her to prove her point. The SS agents, president and sergeant glanced at her. Alex looked straight ahead, not bothering to acknowledge that she spoke but she knew he heard alright. "Don't get so angry. It's bad for your health." He advised softly.
"Bad for my health? How do you live with this?! Bah! Just 5 minutes with them and I want to kill them all."
'You can't just go around killing people. I wouldn't ask you to calm down but I will ask you to control." She growled, turning slightly to look at him.
"Why?" He glanced at her from the corner of his eye before replying. Everyone's attention on him and he knew it. "They are more afraid of a calm person than they are afraid of an angry one."
"Like you?" She smirked at him. Alex pursed his lips a little as a nonchalant expression and shrugged. "They have no reason to fear me."
"Because you're just a cub?" She teased, making him sigh.
"It's just a codename."
"But you like it?" It was more of a statement.
"... Yes, I do."
"Why? Oh hey you haven't told me how you got that codename! You're like satan, how could you be called cub?" She exclaimed, looking sharply at him.
"Keep your voice down, and I would duck if I were you."
"Duck?" She received her answer the next second, in the face. A tree branch smacked into her face, making her splutter and bat at whatever that was in front of her. Alex pulled her towards his side to move away from the branch and nudged her to continue walking. "Traitor."
"Am I?" Alex amused.
"You didn't warn me." She said, even though she knew he did. "You warned me too late actually."
"Oh? Aren't you suppose to be sharp and aware of your surroundings?"
"That's your job." She shot back and he made another face again, not disagreeing but not agreeing either. "Don't change the subject! I demand you answer my questions."
"Whatever you say your highness." He teased and she narrowed her eyes at him but tried to control her temper like how he had taught her once. "Perhaps I should start with how I got the codename. When I first got booted into the SAS for a two weeks crash course for God knows what for, they weren't too happy with me. Too young, just a small boy... What business did I have in the military? I couldn't tell and they couldn't know. So long story short, I was the youngest hence the codename cub."
"Would you like to change it?" The sergeant asked, a serious question but he was amused.
"Oh heavens above no. I like it... Makes me feel... protected. It's foolish thinking I believe, what right did I have to make others risk their lives?" He said softly, looking at the ground and everyone stiffened. Alex looked up to study them and sergeant cracked him a grin. "Well then Cubbiekins, you shall always be our cub." He stressed slightly on the word 'our' to make the teen know that they will protect him no matter what. "We will always risk our lives. To protect our family, we leave no man behind." Alex smiled, a small grateful smile. That moment, the precious moment he will forever treasure. The moment he felt wanted. Protected.

Guys. I decided to change the bit on how he got his codename. It was suppose to be a sequel of 'Alex Rider' but that story seemed... Cringe worthy to me now. However! Even if you didn't read that one, it's okay. You can still read this. Hope you guys are enjoying it so far. :)

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