Chapter 16

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"Your method would cause a lot of blood shed," Alex's voice low, "and we should probably keep the mess hall clean." She grinned at him, tossing her dagger up and down as she leaned back as the table having turned around to face the man sitting on the ground against the wall. Her eyes glittered with amusement and excitement. "You really going to do the honours? I could probably die in peace if I saw you in action in the interrogation section just once." She made it sound like he was the best in interrogation and made him sound like he was really cruel. "No blood spilled, I really wonder how you always did it." She mused out loud for everyone to hear.
"We should probably do it somewhere else." Alex said, glancing around the room.
"What? Afraid the little soldiers can't take it?"
"No." He said simply. She looked at him as if studying him before she gestured for him to proceed. Alex looked at the man that was glaring at him and he stood, walking towards him at a leisure pace. Alex crouched with his body slightly turned so that they could see part of his profile, saying something so soft that no one else heard but it seemed to have provoked him as the man lunged forward snarling as if trying to attack Alex. The boy remained unflinching, his only reaction was to smirk. Alex pulled out a small tablet like device from his pocket, pushing in the jack plug of the earphones before putting the earbuds into the man's ear with him struggling a little. But he froze when the tablet was turned to him and put in his lap. He stared at the tablet with an expression akin to growing horror. Alex straightened, leaning himself against the wall with his phone in hand. Everyone watched with growing interest silently. That's an interrogation method? What the hell is the boy doing? Then to their surprise and shock, tears rolled down the man's cheeks. His head whipped up to Alex in panic and urgency. "No please stop I beg you. Please! I'll tell you everything! Please stop! Tell them to stop!"
"Aww you care." Alex said with such insincerity they never knew he had in him. Alex looked at him with such disinterest that it made the man cry and beg more. Alex crouched again, pulling out the earphones and taking the tablet away. The man started blurting out every single detail, form all the minor useless deals to the whatever might be useful to Alex. "What's with the launch codes then?"
"They were to be used as a scare tactic so boss could get what he wants. Boss wanted to take over Scorpia and all others before moving onto the bigger one like the world." Winchester's laughter could be heard throughout the silent mess hall.
"What is with bad guys and taking over the world?" Alex grumbled, making Winchester laugh harder. She clutched her stomach, tipping backwards and forwards and kicking around. "Didn't one say they wanted to adopt you?" She cackled, making Alex shoot her a look. Everyone gawked at the new information. "Oh god, my heart. I think it's going to give out. This is the best fun I ever had in ages."
"'Come join me for some tea so we can discuss how you're going to die.' Seriously though. He pretty much didn't give me a choice as he chose to bore me to death with his speech." Alex said, quoting one of the lunatic's words to him which made Winchester fall to the ground rolling around laughing. A few chuckles were heard, the man had laughed a little despite his tear-stricken face. Alex sighed a little, some part of him hurt just making someone else hurt. Alex dug out the key and held it up slightly to the man. "I wouldn't run anymore. As long you don't hurt them I wouldn't run. Please don't hurt them." He pleaded. Alex tapped on something else on the tablet before placing it onto the man's lap and he reached behind to uncuff one side of the handcuff. If the man runs, he could use the dangling cuff to his advantage. He seated himself next to the man with his knees tucked into his chest and one arm rested on his raised knees. "I never touched them. They agreed to play the part because they were worried about what you were doing. They wanted you to turn yourself in." Alex said softly, it was only meant for the man but everyone heard due to it being eerily silent. The man choked on what sounded like a laugh and a sob. "Thank you." The man murmured, burying his face into his hands. "Sorry I tried to kill you and for the head too. That probably hurt like hell." Alex looked at him. "What?"
"You're the first person to ever apologise to me for that." Alex said softly. The man let out a small laugh but it wasn't out of amusement. "Well... I guess I'll be the change if I don't see the change." The man said grinning.
Alex clapped him on the shoulder when he was about to be taken away, muttering something to the man that made the man smile gratefully, bowing slightly as a sign of respect before turning away with the other agents that arrived to pick the criminal up.
"What did you do?" Winchester pestered, wanting to know what Alex showed him that made him cry. He made a grown man cry without touching him! "Fear."
"He is afraid of people hurting his parents and his sister." Alex answered.
"Oh... That's... Creative."

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