Chapter 36 Booze and Buzz

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King Theoden raised his cup over his head, "Tonight we remember those who gave their blood for this country," he said, lifting his goblet out towards his people. "Hail the victorious dead!"


Soldier's started drinking, clunking their drinks together in delight. Willow pushed through the crowds, in search of the rest of the company. She caught eye of Legolas and Gimli, who were competing in a sort of drinking competition.

"May I buy you a drink, m'lady?" asked a man, holding out his hand.

Willow declined the offer, politely, moving forward. Another man, who appeared drunk, accidentally pushed her into the wall. The room was overwhelming crowded so it was hard for Elliastral to push her way out. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her arm, taking out of the mess of drunken men. It was Eomer.

Willow gave a slight chuckle, "Thank you, Eomer," she said, "I thought I was gonna be lost in there for ever." she teased.

"Of course. I figured you wanted a front row seat of watching these two drunk bastards going at it." he said, referencing Legolas and Gimli.

Gimli fell backward, cashing down onto the floor. Beer was dripping from his face, soaking into his beard.

"This feeling is...strange," said Legolas, looking at his fingers. Willow looked back at Gimli, shaking her head. Eomer handed Willow a goblet.

"Here, drink. You've earned it."

Willow took the goblet in her hand, looking down at the bubbling beer. "I don't drink."

"I think after tonight that can be changed. Do what you wish, but after what has occurred these past few days a little drink wouldn't do you any harm."

Willow glanced back at the cup. It for surely wasn't a little drink. But then again, what could possibly one do? She supposed she had earned it. Besides, the elf looked like he had drinken almost twelve cups already and is hardly affected.

"Alright then," Willow placed the lilt of the cup to her lips. The drink tasted just at it smelled. Pungent.

Elliastral pulled the goblet away from her mouth, trying to get the taste off her tongue. She glanced up at Eomer, noticing that he was watching her carefully. Willow pursed her lips.

"You don't have to finish it," Eomer chuckled.

Willow wiped her mouth, giving the man a slight smile, "Thank the Valar." she set the beer on the table Gimli and Legolas had been sitting at. "It's horrible."

The horse master smiled, shaking his head. Willow said goodbye to Eomer, pushing back through the crowd. She made her way outside, closing the large doors behind her. The cool breeze blew her hood down, revealing her wavy hair.

"Not enjoying the party?"

Willow turned around. Legolas was standing behind her, fiddling with his bow.

"I just needed some air. It's not very spacious in there." replied Willow.

"Tell me about it."

Willow grinned, looking into the distance. She was starting to get a slight headache. Something drew near. Something evil. Either that or it was the alcohol racing to her brain. Willow touched her forehead lightly.

"Are you feeling alright?" asked Legolas.

"Yes- I think so," said Willow. "Do you feel that?"

"There is a strange dark shadow that lurks over this country," Legolas answered, looking in the direction Willow stared off to. "It is a great evil."

There was a long pause.

Legolas hesitated, then asked, "What were you and Eomer discussing?"

"He offered me a drink but it wasn't very appealing. An acquired taste I suppose."

Legolas made a slight hum noise, nodding. "Yes, it's very....interesting."

Willow stepped closer to the elf, touching his shoulder with her own. "Eomer said you won the drinking competition."

"Yes," Legolas sighed, "He seems to have taken quite a liking to you."

Elliastral scrunched her nose, turning to Legolas. "What? No, no, it's not like that at all."

"Really? I thought that you-"

"Guess you thought wrong."

The two stood together in another awkward silence. Ellie looked back up at Legolas. "Uh, what about you?"

"What about me?" The blonde elf raised an eyebrow.

"Do you have anyone special?"

"I..." he trailed off, "Yes...I do."

Willow could feel her heart drop. No. She couldn't feel that way for him. Why though? No one was stopping her. No harm would come from it. It was her fear that he would not love her back. That she would have been made a fool in front of his eyes.

"Who is she?" she asked, trying to hide her disappointment.

"She is a very beautiful women but also a fierce warrior," he said, smiling. "I admire her greatly."

Elliastral didn't reply.

"Why haven't you told her yet?" she asked him, almost in a whisper.

"Well, I'm afraid of what she will say, I suppose." he said, turning towards Willow.

"Fear should not way your feelings down in this time of world." she whispered.

Legolas smiled, "I guess you should know then that I..."

Willow's eyes widened, she moved closer to Legolas, intertwining her hands with his. "I know, Legolas. I know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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