Chapter 15: Can I hug you?

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"Bhai! Are you okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Karan blinked, trying to focus. "I... what happened?"

"You had an accident, bhai. But you're going to be okay," Iraa said, relief washing over her as she saw him regain consciousness.

Vedang helped Karan sit up slowly. "Easy there. Just take it slow."

Karan looked between Iraa and Vedang, a weak smile forming on his lips. "Looks like maine tum dono ko dara diya"

Iraa hugged her brother tightly. "Don't ever do that to me again," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Karan patted her back, knowing her fear "I'll try my best, I'm sorry bacche"

Vedang stood back, giving them a moment. As Karan seemed to regain his strength, Vedang's phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen, then at Iraa. "I'll talk to the doctor to make sure everything's fine."

Iraa nodded, her eyes never leaving her brother. As Vedang stepped outside to make the call, Karan looked at Iraa. "You know, he really cares about you."

Iraa blushed, surprised by her brother's comment. "What do you mean?"

"Come on, Iraa. It's obvious. And don't pretend you don't care about him too," Karan said, his voice teasing despite his condition.

Iraa sighed. "You are overthinking bhai. Besides we both were worried for you! what are you thinking?"

Karan squeezed her hand. "alright alright Take your time.Vedang is a good guy."

Iraa smiled, her heart feeling a bit lighter. "I know."

"Where is Ram uncle and everyone else?" He asked looking around. Iraa told him about everything and that because of the snow storm they all settled at a Villa near there.

Vedang returned, his expression serious but calm. "Doctor said just to keep an eye on him. If anything changes, we should take him to the hospital."

"Thanks, buddy," Karan said, his voice sincere.

"No problem. Now, you need to rest," Vedang replied, helping Karan lie back down.

Iraa watched them, a sense of gratitude washing over her. As Vedang turned to her, their eyes met again. There was something unspoken between them, a connection that went beyond words.

"Vedang, thank you," Iraa said, her voice soft.

Vedang smiled, a warmth in his eyes. "You don't have to, Iraa."

"But still," Iraa insisted, stepping closer to him. "It means a lot to me. More than you know."

Vedang's gaze softened, his hand reaching out to gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm glad I'm here"

Iraa felt her heart skip a beat at his touch, a shiver running down her spine. "You always know how to make things better."

Vedang chuckled softly. "I try my best." He looked at her, her face still numb. There was silence for lots of minute.

“Iraa,” he said softly, his voice breaking the silence. She looked up, her eyes filled with tears, and for a moment, their gazes locked. In that instant, Vedang saw her face, and he stepped closer.

“I don’t know what to do,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “I was so scared..iknow everything is fine but”

Without thinking, Vedang reached out, his hand hovering just above her shoulder before gently resting on it. “It’s going to be okay,” he said, trying to help her calm dowb . “He's fine don't worry"

Iraa nodded, but the tears kept falling. “I just… I just need…”

"Vedang," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "Can I hug you?"

Vedang's eyes sparkled with emotion, he was nervous "Ofcourse"

He opened his arms, offering her the comfort she sought. She hesitated for a moment, then stepped into his embrace, her head resting against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly.

Vedang's POV

It was just weird how she perfectly fitted in my arms. She was so small. Her head perfectly placed under my chin, near my neck.

I was about to say something when I felt my shoulder getting a bit wet.

"Iraa c'mon try to relax okay?" I asked trying to pull back but she hugged me tighter. "Yea I.. I'm fine" she mumbled.

I understood she must exhausted with all the rush of emotions. I could relate to her. I felt like I needed this hug as much as she did. I hated physical touch but something in me made me.

I brushed her hair and whispered a  "It's alright" as we hugged.

As the time went by, the house settled into a calm quiet. Karan rested peacefully on the couch, his breathing steady.

Iraa and I sat nearby, our shoulders brushing against each other. I had informed everyone that Karan was fine.

Dad was fine too, by God's grace he reached there before anything could happen.

Author's POV

Iraa was exhausted and sleepy. She unknowingly leaned her head on Vedang's shoulder, feeling a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time.

Vedang gently rested his head against hers, their breaths synchronizing. He was just as tired as she was.

"Goodnight veda.." Iraa softly mumbled in her sleep making him smile.

"Goodnight Rabbit"

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