Chapter 19 - Jealousy? YEAH

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Hello, my lovelies!! I brought you a cute chapter to warm your hearts... Well, maybe not that cute. BUT who can handle the fire between these two?



I woke up a few hours later, feeling the softness of the cotton sheets against my skin. I opened my eyes slowly and saw the ceiling of Olivia's hotel room, the shadows of the curtains dancing with the twilight. Beside me, my girl was still asleep, her face peaceful and serene, hair spread across the pillow. For a moment, I just lay there, watching her, feeling a mix of peace and contentment.

Olivia started to stir, her eyes opening slowly. She met my gaze and smiled, that smile that always made my heart race.

"Hi..." she murmured, her voice husky with sleep.

"Hey, babe..." I responded, running my hand over her face. "Did you sleep well?"

"With you here, always!" she replied, pulling me in for a soft kiss. Our lips met, and I immediately felt a wave of affection and desire wash over me.

But, unfortunately, our moment of peace and intimacy had to end. I remembered the commitment we had later that day.

"Livie..." I began hesitantly, "I need to go home. We have that dinner with our families tonight, remember?"

She sighed, a soft sound of resignation, and nodded. "I know. I just wanted a little more time alone with you."

"Me too..." I replied, hugging her tightly for a moment before pulling away. "But I really need to go. I don't want to be late and have to listen to my mom complain."

We got up, still a bit sleepy, and started getting dressed. I watched Olivia as she got ready, admiring her elegance and the natural grace with which she moved. Every gesture was graceful, every movement seemed carefully choreographed. As I put on my clothes, my thoughts drifted back to a few hours ago, to the touches and whispers, to the connection we felt so intensely.

"I'm so happy we're doing this..." Olivia said, interrupting my thoughts. "This dinner, our families finally meeting."

"Me too..." I responded, smiling.

She came closer and held my hands, her eyes meeting mine with a seriousness that made me shiver. "No matter what happens tonight, Niki, remember that I love you. And nothing is going to change that."

I felt a lump form in my throat. "I love you too, Olivia. With all my heart."

We kissed again, a kiss full of passion. Then, we finished getting ready in silence, both aware of the importance of the night ahead.

When we finally left the hotel room, the sun was no longer in the sky over Zagreb. We walked hand in hand to the entrance, where we said our goodbyes with one last kiss.

"Later, babe!" my girlfriend said, smiling at me.

"See you later..." I replied, feeling a wave of excitement and nervousness.

As I waited for the valet to bring the car, my thoughts were full of expectations. I knew the night would be crucial, not just for us, but for our families. And deep down, I felt that no matter what happened, we had something special, something worth fighting for.

At 7:30 PM that same day, I arrived at the restaurant we had chosen for the dinner, a charming place in the heart of Zagreb, with elegant decor and soft lighting that created a welcoming atmosphere. The delicious aroma of food filled the air, and I felt a mix of nervousness and excitement when I saw Olivia's family already seated at a large round table.

You drafted my heart -  Nika Mühl (Eng. version)Where stories live. Discover now