Chapter 1 - (Re)Start

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05:57 am - September 5, 2021.

Rhode Island, New England.

More than a year since the publication of that article, rereading it still stirred up a mix of conflicting emotions within me. Most of them seemed to oscillate between anger and frustration, dredging up painful memories of one of the most challenging moments of my career. However, it also made me realize a flame of motivation and resilience burning inside me. With every word read, I recalled the arduous journey of overcoming and the unwavering determination that guided me through rehabilitation. Every challenge faced since then only served to strengthen my commitment to return to the court with even more strength and determination. That article wasn't just a reminder of my past, but also a constant reminder of the power of perseverance and the will to win that grew stronger within me with each passing day. It was no wonder it was framed and hung on the wall of my room, just above my bed's headboard.

The sun rising on the horizon, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink as it announced the arrival of another autumn day in Providence, added even more beauty to my first day back on a basketball court.

That day, in itself, was a day to be celebrated.

The morning's freshness enveloping the city, carrying with it the promise of a new season of games, filled my lungs with every step I took towards the training center, just as the memories of the day I underwent surgery during last summer vacation.

- [Flashback on] -

09:43 am - June 19, 2020

The atmosphere in the hospital was a mix of serenity and tension, as if suspended in limbo between comfort and uncertainty. It was the day of my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery on my left knee, a moment I knew would change my basketball journey forever. Lying in the hospital bed, dressed in the sterile gown provided by the medical team, I felt vulnerable and anxious, but also resolute in my determination to face the challenge ahead.

Beside me, my parents sat on the couch, waiting as anxiously as I was, their expressions a mix of concern and encouragement. My mother held my hand tenderly, her eyes conveying unwavering love and a silent certainty that she would see me through this trial with courage.

"You're ready for this, dear. Everything will be fine," she murmured, trying to comfort me with her warm words.

My father, usually so assertive and confident, seemed more reserved at that moment, his voice slightly shaky as he tried to find words of comfort and support.

"You're strong, Olivia. You'll overcome this as you always have. We'll be here waiting for you when you wake up," he said, struggling to maintain composure.

Doctors and nurses circulated around me, their voices calm and professional as they tried to dissipate some of the tension in the air. They explained the procedures that would be performed, the risks and benefits of the surgery, but it all seemed distant to me, as if I were trapped in a fog of fear and uncertainty. I knew it was a common surgery for many athletes, but for me, at that moment, it was a monumental step into the unknown.

"Ms. Bennett, we're ready to begin. Are you feeling comfortable?" asked the surgeon, his calm voice conveying confidence and competence.

As they prepared me for surgery, a wave of turbulent thoughts and emotions flooded my mind. I remembered the moments when I first learned about the severity of my injury, the feeling of despair and disbelief that initially overwhelmed me. I recalled the intense training and arduous physical preparation I had undergone in the many weeks leading up to the surgery, the hope and resilience that propelled me through the challenges. But above all, I remembered my love for basketball, the passion that had brought me this far and that gave me strength to face any obstacle that came my way.

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