Chapter 5 - Back to Storrs

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Hi everyone, I promise that the story starts to get more exciting from today's chapter. I'll try to post every day, from Monday to Saturday, but I can't promise anything. I hope you're enjoying how things are unfolding, let me know what you think!! 

xoxo, your writer


6:23 PM - November 28th, 2021.

Rhode Island, New England.

The invitation to watch the UConn men's basketball game came as a welcome surprise amidst the intense routine of training and classes. After all, being a Division I NCAA athlete pursuing a major in Psychology and a minor in Neuroscience isn't that easy. 

It was Julia who came up with the idea, suggesting that we take a little trip to the rival university to support the Providence men's team. And so, on that Friday night, we found ourselves gathered at the college bar, eagerly discussing the details of our upcoming adventure.

The atmosphere was infused with vibrant energy, with the sound of our lively conversations echoing off the walls. The familiar scent of beer and grilled food hung in the air, mixing with the sweet perfume of our drinks—mine, as usual, was non-alcoholic. The gentle sound of music floated through the air, adding a relaxed soundtrack to the atmosphere. Bottles of beer and colorful plastic cups dotted the tables, while students gathered in groups, sharing stories and laughter. In the background, the buzz of conversation mingled with the clinking of glasses and the occasional noise of a pinball machine. Amidst the hustle and bustle, I felt incredibly at ease, enveloped by the pulsating energy of the "Providence Heavens."

The table where we sat was already filled with glasses and delicious snacks as the five of us settled comfortably into our chairs, ready to plan our excursion.

"So, girls, what do you think of the idea?" Vic asked, leaning forward with an excited smile on her face. "I think it would be super fun! Plus, we can take advantage of the opportunity to relive the atmosphere of a game against UConn."

The others enthusiastically agreed, expressing their excitement at the prospect of a fun night off campus. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of being back on that court, feeling the electricity of the game pulsing in the air around me once again.

"For sure, and I promised Rider that I'd catch one of his games away sometime..." I commented, barely able to contain my excitement. "I have to tell Mühl the news right away, she's been nagging me for weeks to go there."

Since the game where we faced UConn in the preseason round, I've been talking to Nika every day, exchanging messages and sharing laughs as we got to know each other better. Of course, my friends wouldn't let this fact go unnoticed.

"Oh, yeah! I'm sure Nika will love to see 'us' there," Emily agreed, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, making air quotes when she said "us." "Who knows, maybe we can score some VIP tickets with Rider and meet up with the girls after the game?"

"Take advantage of the fact that you and Montgomery are practically twins and ask for some tickets behind the bench for us..." Amelia pointed out, as I was already texting Rider asking about the tickets.


8:31 AM - August 9th, 2020.

You drafted my heart -  Nika Mühl (Eng. version)Where stories live. Discover now