Chapter 8 - Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy? Parte I

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This chapter may be shorter than usual, but consider it as a prequel to Part II (+18) THAT WILL BE RELEASED TOMORROW... Hope you enjoy it, let me know what you think!!

XOXO and happy reading...

07:23 pm - March 15, 2022.

Providence, Rhode Island.

My room was filled with anticipation as I packed my bags hours before we boarded for San Antonio, where the River Walk Regional would take place. Each piece of clothing I folded, each pair of sneakers I carefully positioned in the suitcase, heightened the excitement bubbling inside me.

My heart beat faster than usual as I meticulously folded my game uniform. It was as if each fold represented not only a piece of fabric, but a part of myself, ready to be unfolded and displayed on the national stage of college basketball.

Thoughts of strategy flooded my mind, mingling with the excitement and tension that came with high-level competition. Middle Tennessee would be a formidable opponent in the first round of the Regional. They were fast, physical, and relentless. But we also had our weapons, the chemistry of our team and the hunger for victory that burned within each of us, motivating us to face that game.

As I organized the rest of my things, I mentally reviewed the movements, the rehearsed plays, visualizing every step, every block, every basket. I knew the game would demand everything from me - physically, mentally, and emotionally.

A shiver ran down my spine as I realized my bags were ready, sealing my gear and my determination for the battle that awaited us in San Antonio. This wasn't just a game. It was an opportunity to show the world who we were, what we were capable of when we came together as a team.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment, focusing on the sensation of air entering and leaving my lungs. I needed to calm down, keep my mind clear and focused. The game was approaching and I was ready to face the challenge head-on.

Then the shrill sound of my phone broke the silence of the room, indicating that someone was calling me. With a sigh, I reached for the phone on the bedside table and read Nika's name flashing on the screen. An involuntary smile formed on my lips as I answered.

"Hey, Mühl," I said, trying to keep calm, though my voice betrayed some of my anxiety.

"Hey, Bennett. Just calling to see how you're feeling, nervous about the Regional?" Nika asked, her tone filled with concern.

"A little anxious, to be honest. But I think we're ready for it," I replied, trying to sound confident.

"Completely understandable. In my first Regional game, I got sick right before stepping on the court, but I'm sure you'll do better than me. But hey, do you want to go out and meet me before the game? We can have lunch together and chat, I miss you!" she suggested.

The idea of ​​spending time with Nika before the game instantly calmed me down. "Yes, I would love to. In fact, I have some things to talk to you about anyway," I said, remembering the advice Rider had given me a few days earlier.

"Great! I'll send you a message with the details. See you soon, Liv," Nika said, her tone now more excited.

"See you soon, Nika," I replied before hanging up.

With the phone back on the bed next to me, a weight seemed to have been lifted off my shoulders. Knowing I had Nika by my side gave me a sense of comfort and confidence.

As I finished making the last arrangements, my mind was busy with thoughts about what I needed to talk to Nika about. There was something I had kept bottled up inside me, something I needed to share before it was too late.

You drafted my heart -  Nika Mühl (Eng. version)Where stories live. Discover now