Chapter 14 : Kiss

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The day started off unusually calm. Enzo and I had fallen into a somewhat comfortable routine, despite the lingering tension from our previous interactions. We exchanged polite conversation over breakfast and went about our day separately, each lost in our own thoughts and responsibilities.

As evening approached, I found myself growing hungry. I wandered into the kitchen to find Enzo already rummaging through the fridge. He glanced up as I entered, offering a rare, faint smile.

"Hey," he greeted, his tone lighter than usual. "Hungry?"

"Starving," I replied with a chuckle. "What do you think about cooking something together?"

Enzo seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding. "Sure, why not? What are you in the mood for?"

We settled on making a simple pasta dish, gathering ingredients and utensils from the cupboards. As we worked side by side, there was an unspoken ease between us that felt surprisingly natural. We chatted about our day, shared a few laughs, and for a while, it felt like we were just two friends enjoying each other's company.

The comfortable atmosphere took a sudden turn when our hands accidentally brushed against each other while reaching for the same pot. The contact was brief, but it sent a jolt through my body. I glanced up to find Enzo's intense gaze locked onto mine. The air seemed to thicken around us, and for a moment, I forgot how to breathe.

In my flustered state, I accidentally knocked a glass dish off the counter. It shattered on the floor with a loud crash, snapping us both out of the trance. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, bending down to pick up the pieces.

"Don't worry about it," Enzo said, kneeling beside me. "It's just a dish."

As he reached for a shard of glass, I noticed a thin line of blood appear on his hand. "Enzo, you're bleeding!" I said, alarmed.

"It's nothing," he shrugged, but I could see the small cut on his hand. "I've had worse."

"Let me take care of it," I insisted, standing up and pulling him towards his room where he said he kept a first aid kit.

He leaned against the bathroom counter as I carefully cleaned the wound, my hands trembling slightly. The proximity was almost too much to bear, his presence overwhelming my senses. I could feel his eyes on me, an intense gaze that made my heart race.

"Stop looking at me like that," I said, my voice barely above a whisper, my cheeks flushing.

"Like what?" he replied, a teasing lilt in his voice.

" that," I stammered, unable to find the right words. The way he was looking at me was unlike anything I had ever experienced, a mixture of curiosity, desire, and something else I couldn't quite place.

He smirked, his eyes never leaving mine. "I can't help it," he said, his voice low and flirtatious. "You're just...fascinating."

I couldn't resist the pull any longer. The intensity of the moment, the way he was staring at my lips, it all became too much. Before I could stop myself, I leaned in and kissed him. The contact was electric, sending a shockwave through my entire body. I quickly pulled away, my heart pounding.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" I began, but Enzo cut me off, capturing my lips with his in a passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer as he deepened the kiss.

Without breaking the kiss, he slowly led me towards his bed. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us in a whirlwind of emotion and desire. Just as things were about to escalate, a sudden realization hit me. I gently pushed him away, my breath coming in quick, shallow bursts.

"This is a mistake," I whispered, pulling away and stepping back.

Enzo looked at me, a mixture of confusion and frustration in his eyes. "Noralee-"

"I can't," I said, shaking my head. "I'm sorry." I hurried out of his room, my mind racing with a thousand thoughts. Once I was safely back in my own room, I closed the door and leaned against it, my heart still pounding.

I knew that whatever had just happened between us had changed things, but I wasn't ready to face the consequences. Not yet.

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