Part 2

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"Our world is threatened. We need our best fighters to help us." Fury said, but you still weren't interested in what he had to say. "Y/L/N, we need you. You were an elite soldier."

"I'm not interested." You replied. "My world ended a long time ago. I'm not particularly attached to this one."

"What if I promise to give you another chance?" He asked, making you chuckle. You still didn't look up from your book, your gaze scanning over the lines written on the page. "I can get you out of jail."

"I'm supposed to be here for the rest of my life."

"I'm sure saving the world would help." Fury said. "Help us and I'll see what I can do."

You looked up at him. "No."

"Do you have a death wish, Miss?"


"Look at it this way. The innocent civillians are going to get hurt in this. Hell, there are kids, Miss Y/L/N. I don't think you can just sit back and watch all of that unfold."

You finally stood up from your bed, approaching the bars separating you from that man. "You have no idea what I can and can't do. I'll help you. Because of my own reasons."

You glared at him before turning around and walking back to your bed.

Fury looked at Annie, surprised. "Too bad she's insane. She's actually very pretty."


You just got back from one of the missions. Irina was there to greet you as you placed your weapons on the table.

"Good job." She said. "You're becoming better and better."

You stayed quiet, which was a thing you often did now. It was a rare occasion you talked to her, or anybody else for that matter. You couldn't. You simply didn't have enough strength, knowing one wrong choice of a word would subject you to more torture and you weren't sure how much you could take. Regardless, Irina found a way to keep you alive.

"You have another mission today." She eyed you as you took another gun and placed it on the table before starting to walk away. She followed after you."You're not going to your cell. You have to train. Follow me."

She made a turn in the hallway and you followed after her. She led you to the training room, which was actually a ring where their soldiers fought one another, sometimes to death. You were forced to participate in those fights, as well. When you walked in, you found a tall man waiting for you. His face was covered by a mask. He had icy blue eyes, long brown hair and he was dressed all in black, except for the metal arm he had.

You noticed how much bigger and stronger than you he looked, but your brain couldn't react to it. You couldn't feel fear. You were programmed that way.

You stepped into the ring, no emotions on your face. The man looked you up and down, then attacked you suddenly, leaving you close to no time to react and duck. He was quicker than you this time, punching your face with his metal arm. You grit your teeth together in pain, but still stood up. The Hydra members were cheering for him on the sides. You tried attacking him, but his metal arm gripped your fist, and you gasped in pain when he clenched it together. You were sure he had broken a couple of your fingers. His other hand collided with your abdomen, knocking all air out of you and making you fall to your knees.

It took another punch in the face from him for you to fall on the ground, unable to do anything anymore. His covered face came into view as he started to repeatedly punch your face.

𝑺𝑼𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑽𝑶𝑹 ~ 𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒚 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝒃𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚Where stories live. Discover now