Part 16

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As soon as you regained consciousness, all you felt was the pain spreading through your whole body. Your eyes slowly opened, taking in your surroundings. What you saw was a white room, and it looked like a hospital room, filled with dozen of different machines, which were connected to your body. It was empty, not a single person inside. Having no windows to see the outside, your mind immediately went to Hydra, thinking they figured out it was you behind the attack and captured you again to torture you.

That thought sent your mind into panic. You had an oxygen mask on, which you tore off and then, just as you were about to pull the IV out of your arm, the door opened. A woman wearing scrubs walked in, followed by Thor.

"Miss Y/N!" She hurried towards you immediately to stop you. "Don't do that!"

You looked at her as she helped you to lie back down. "Where am I?"

"At a hospital, Miss. You're still in New York." She said with a sweet smile. Thor was standing by the door the whole time, not approaching you."You were shot and had a surgery."

You took in a sharp breath. "I remember that part."

"Your doctor will tell you everything else you want to know."She said. "The only thing I can tell you is that you were lucky you got here in time and they were able to save you before your organs shut down."

"When can I go home?" You asked, thinking of the question yourself. Did you even have a home anymore?

"Woah, woah." She stopped you when you tried to get up again. "I'm aware of your condition, Miss Y/N, and I know that you heal faster than ordinary people, but still, those wounds are not something you can take lightly. We need to keep you under observation." She looked at Thor and then back at you. "I'll leave you alone with your friend now, but I'll be back soon to change your IV."

You let out a breath as the woman left your room. Your gaze stopped on Thor, who approached you and took a seat on the chair by your bed.

"How are you feeling, Lady Y/N?" He asked you, meeting your gaze. "... Alright. That was a stupid question, I admit. You got shot."

"How long was I...?"

"A couple days." Thor replied.

You looked at him with a smile. "I... I remember you were the one who saved me." You took his hand in yours, giving it a squeeze, which made him smile.

Thor nodded. "I was. And I must say I'm sorry for the way the rest of the team acted... Actually, it was only Rogers and Romanoff. The rest of us had no idea of what was going on. I am sorry. We should've known-"

"Thor, there is no reason you should be apologizing." You told him. "You did nothing wrong. You were the one who saved me. The rest of the team... I don't want to talk about it, actually. I talked to Fury already, I'm leaving the team."

Thor nodded. "I feel quite sad to hear that, as I consider you my best friend from the whole team, but I know that's necessary and you have to do it for yourself. I'll support you in whatever you decide."

Over the following days, you recovered from your wounds. You had already left the team and Fury handled the paperwork. He arranged for your things to be moved from your old room and into the new apartment he found for you, a quiet neighbourhood just like you wanted. Fury and Maria helped you get settled in. Of course, your mission with Hydra only progressed. You were trying to gather as much intel as you could, like their bases, their location, agents, the scientists working for them and as much as you could gather from their labs without being discovered. You tried to avoid anything about Avengers, and worked on your other missions alone, except for the undercover Hydra mission, where you worked with Sienna and Marcus.

That day, Fury visited you. Although you found it slightly weird, you let him inside. Since your injury, he visited you a lot more. He even cooked for you the first few days when you just moved in, knowing doctors put you on strict bed rest.

"What are you doing?"

"Scheduling my crimes for the day. Come in." You moved aside to let him in.

He did, going straight to the kitchen and placing a bag on the counter. "I brought you ice cream. The one you like." He said.

"Why, thank you." You said, settling back down on your couch.

"Wine?" He asked, pulling out two glasses and a bottle. You gave him a look. "Right. I'll pour you a glass."

"Just give me the bottle and a straw."

"That bad?" He asked.

You gave him a look as he sat across from you. "Why are you here?"

He looked at you, raising his eyebrows. "You want me to leave?"

"Nick." You said, making him place the glass on the table. "You know what I mean."

"Alright." He nodded. "I wanted to talk to you regarding your mission."

"What about it?" You asked, leaning forward.

"Relax. It's not something bad... Actually, it depends from which way you're looking at it." He said, clearing his throat and noticing your glare on him. "Right! More specifically, it's about the information you brought to us about a month ago. Do you remember the encrypted file that we couldn't access?"

You nodded. "I do."

"We had our best team working on it, and still came up with nothing. It wasn't until a few days ago that we found a way to access it. We... found some informations on it."

"About what?"

"It's about you. Y/N, that was your file."

You stopped everything you were doing and looked at Fury, urging him to tell you what he found out.

"As you know, your file in the SHIELD database is incomplete. The only info in there are the ones our agents were able to find on you. This one, though, holds the more specific details. The ones we were shocked to learn, as well." He said, gulping before speaking again. It made you nervous as well. The way he was telling you this couldn't mean anything good. Your palms were sweating, making you wipe them on your pants. "Before I give you this, I want you to know it was a very small team and nobody fully knows the meaning of this."

"Let me see it." You said.

"I want you to look at the part of the file where your parents are mentioned... actually, only your father. You already know about your mother." He said, pulling out a tablet and placing it on the table before sliding it towards you. You easily took it. "I know this can't be easy for you. That's why I'll leave you alone to process things you'll see there. But, if you need me, or anyone else, we're only a call away. Alright?" He asked, making you nod. "I'll go now."

After he left, you immediately turned the tablet on. As soon as you did, it displayed your file. Your gaze scanned over it, reading every single bit from it. Once you got to the part about your family, your heart stopped once you saw the name of your father. You dropped the tablet, placing your hand over your mouth in an attempt to silence your cries.

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