Part 6

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After escaping Hydra, your lives only got better. You still couldn't completely remember your life before all of this, just like Bucky couldn't, and you could still feel Hydra in your mind, tugging on your conscience and you even thought about returning to the base a couple time, but it was slowly getting better. Bucky, meanwhile, had a hard time dealing with everything. He was their best asset, which meant their scientists experimented on him far more. You could still see traces of the Winter Soldier, and it scared you sometimes.

You were walking through the city, looking at different stores. You stopped in front of a jewellery shop, looking at a diamond necklace that was stored in the centre of the shop, getting everybody's attention.

"You like it?" You heard a voice behind you, cold arm wrapping around your waist.

You looked at Bucky over your shoulder. "It looks nice."

"Let's go and get it."

You raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?"

"Come on. You'll see." He smirked, pulling you inside. A young girl was working in the shop, smiling at you two when you entered.

"Hello! How can I help you?"

"Hi. My girlfriend here wants to find something for herself." He told the girl, flashing her a grin, as your heart skipped a beat. Girlfriend?

"Feel free to look around." She said as you looked at the golden rings. "We have more in the back, actually. I'll bring it to you."

As she disappeared in the back, you looked at the diamond necklace. Bucky joined you, you two sharing a look. The girl walked out again as Bucky raised an eyebrow at you.

Then, he pulled out his gun, shooting the girl, who fell to the floor. Your mouth dropped open. This wasn't Bucky, it was the Winter Soldier. And at the sound of gunshots, you could feel your control slipping, the horrible things you had to do for Hydra flashing in front of your eyes. Another second later and it was like you lost all control, Hydra taking over your mind again.

You grinned as you looked at Bucky, who slowly approached you. Then, his metal arm smashed into the glass display, breaking everything as he pulled the necklace out. He went behind you, placing it around your neck as you admired yourself and how it looked on you.

"Like it?" He questioned.

"It's perfect." You said.

"Let's go." He grabbed your arm, pulling you along. "We'll get out the back."

That night, Bucky laid in the sheets along with you, admiring your face as you looked at the moon through the window. He reached out with his flesh hand, running his finger over your jaw.

"What are you doing?" You asked, turning around to face him.

He smiled, leaning towards you to place a soft kiss on your lips. "Your face is calming."

"Buck... " You reached out to touch his face. The necklace was laid on the floor, long forgotten as soon as you realized what you did earlier today.

He reached out to cup your jaw, his thumb rubbing over your face. "Just listen to me. If something happens to us, I want you to know that I love you. You've never hidden your love and I want to do the same. Nobody on this Earth loved me like this." You placed your hand on top of his own, placing a soft kiss on it. "I know I have hundreds of flaws, but-"

" - Buck." You interrupted him, straightening up so you could look into his eyes. "What we did... it wasn't willingly. They made us do that. It's not your fault, alright?" You asked. "That's not the reason someone shouldn't love you."

𝑺𝑼𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑽𝑶𝑹 ~ 𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒚 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝒃𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚Where stories live. Discover now