Part 12

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The following morning, you woke up in Tony's arms. You turned around on your back, but let out a grunt once you felt the pain shooting through your side, reminding you of the stitches you had. Your moving woke Tony up, as well.

"Good morning." He mumbled out, burying his face in your neck. You let out a laugh when you felt him kiss your neck. "Oh, are you ticklish?" He questioned.

"What?" You asked, quickly pulling away from him. "Of course not."

"Right." Tony said, giving you a knowing look. "Seems I found your weakness."

"No, you didn't." You let out a scoff.

After a couple minutes, you went to the bathroom to do your hygiene. When Tony returned from his own bathroom, he made you sit on the bed so he could check your stitches. He nodded when he saw it. "Everything looks good... I guess."

"That sounded convincing." You chuckled as you pulled your shirt back on.

"I'm not a doctor." Tony replied. "I think everything's good. But, I still think you should see a doctor." You stayed quiet, looking at him as he pulled away from you.

"About last night-"


You two spoke at the same time, making you both smile.

"You first." You nudged him.

"Alright." Tony took a breath before speaking. He was direct about everything in his life, he knew what he wanted, and he would be the same now, too. "You know that I liked you since you joined the team. And last night... I had trouble sleeping since the battle. Well, even before that, but after the battle it got worse. Things I've seen in there... " He said, making your eyebrows furrow. "But, last night was the first one in a while that I slept through the whole night. What I'm saying is that I enjoyed it. And not just the kiss, but you... your company, just being there next to you was enough. And I don't regret anything. I like you, Y/N. And I would like to see where this... between us would go."

You nodded, looking down at your hand as he took it in his, holding it."I would like that too, Tony."You smiled at him, raising your other hand to caress his cheek, taking in every single detail about his face.

He smiled before closing the gap in between the two of you, placing his lips on top of yours and kissing you. You relaxed into the kiss as he deepened it, making you smile against him.

After Tony left to take a shower, you checked your phone, seeing a message from Fury. After answering him, you headed down to the kitchen to grab yourself something to drink. You weren't expecting to find Steve there already.

He tried to hide the fact he rolled his eyes when he saw you. He didn't bother even greeting you, but he buried his face in the newspaper.

You tried ignoring him, as well, but then he changed his mind and decided to speak.

"Fury was asking about you. You should check your phone sometimes."

"I know he was." You said. "I replied to him."

Just as you turned to go, Steve spoke again. "Why is he contacting you?"

"I have a mission."

"What kind of mission?"

"Steven, that's none of your worries."You flashed him a fake smile."Now, I am quite busy. Can I ignore you some other time?"

When the night fell, you were hiding underground of the prison, waiting until Marcus gave you the sign it was safe to go in. When you heard his voice in the earpiece, you tightened your grip on the gun you were holding and looked at other agents surrounding you.

"I hacked into the system." Marcus told you. "The guards are looking at the same footage from ten minutes ago. It should give you enough time to break him out."

You nodded at them and quietly made your way up the stairs and opened the door. You made sure the mask was covering your face. For some reason, you decided to wear it again after years, after everything that happened with Hydra. But, you had a bad feeling about tonight and felt like you will need it again.

After looking over your shoulder one more time, making sure nobody was behind you, you went up the stairs, your gun ready the whole time. The guards were nowhere in sight and you were thankful for it. The SHIELD prison had different doors than other prisons, which didn't allow other prisoners to see you as you passed down the hallway. They only had a door that ran on some kind of technology Marcus tried explaining to you, but you found too complicated, and a small glass in it that allowed you to see inside of it. Seeing as it was the same prison for highly dangerous individuals, you understood why. It was the same prison you spent some time in, as well, before you were moved.

The guy you had to break out was unknown to you. Even though he was already there for years when they locked you up there, you never heard of him. Even now, you were only given his cell number and a brief description of how he looked.

You stopped outside of the cell that was, supposedly, his. Taking a look inside, you confirmed it was him. He saw you, too, and started gathering papers he had sitting on his bed before you placed the device Marcus gave you, on the door. You nervously looked at the camera, waiting for the light to turn green.

"Done." You heard Marcus say in your earpiece. The door clicked open and you nodded at the man, who went to follow you.

You briefly looked at the papers he was holding, seeing different kinds of formulas and chemical reactions. Your eyes widened once you saw the 'project' he was working on.

"Did you know he worked with Irina?" Marcus asked in your earpiece, making you freeze as you realized what all of this meant. "They worked on the super soldier serum."

Even though shock basically overtook all your senses, you knew you had to move if you didn't want guards to catch you. Suddenly, the alarms started ringing everywhere. The door shut down, sealing your only way out of the hallway shut.

"Shit." You mumbled out. "Stay there."You mumbled out to the man, who nodded his head while you ran towards two guards that were coming your way. You were holding back on purpose in the fight, only knocking them both unconscious. However, when you turned around, a shield embedded itself into the wall next to you, almost slicing you in half if you didn't move from that spot.

You closed your eyes, mentally cursing when you realized who it belonged to. When you turned around, you were met with Captain America himself.

He looked straight into your eyes and it seemed like he recognized you.

"Y/N?" He questioned.

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