Part 14

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You woke up the following morning on the bed in your cell. You stood up, stretching, when you heard the voice of the man in the cell next to yours.

"That's odd."

"What is?" You questioned.

"The way you slept through the whole night on this horrible excuse for a bed. Most people who come here don't."

"It's something I'm used to." You said."I don't remember my life outside of prison cells anyway. It's all I know."You replied.

"I think I remember you." He said."You were there during New York... "

"You mean, your failed attempt of dominating the Earth?" You asked, making the man scoff.

"I take it you remember me, as well."

"Of course I do."

Some time later, the door opened and Thor walked in. He ignored the other prisoner and stopped in front of your cell.

"My lady." He said, shooting you a small smile.

"Thor. How are you holding up?" You asked him as he sat down in front of your cell.

"I should be asking you that, don't you think?" Thor said. "How are you, my lady?"

You shrugged. "Alright, I guess. But, this man is seriously annoying."

"Hey!" Loki protested, sounding insulted.

"If you could move him somewhere else, that would be perfect." You told Thor. "In fact, if you could let him go, that would be even better. I'm sure there's a village somewhere out there missing their idiot." You said, gesturing at Loki, who was hidden from your view by a wall.

Thor looked between you two, trying to hide a small smile forming on his face. "Lady Y/N... Loki is my brother."

Your expression changed into a confused one. "Oh."

"Adopted brother." Thor corrected himself. "And Asgard is missing their idiot. We'll return him there in a couple days."


"Brother." Thor turned towards Loki."Would you stop listening in to our conversation?"

You heard an annoyed sigh before there was the sound of Loki turning over pages of his book. You assumed he stopped listening to what you were saying, because Thor started talking.

"Lady Y/N, I need you to know that I do not believe what they're saying about you." He said, making you smile. "I don't think you would betray us. You're a part of our team just as much as anyone else. Don't listen to them."

"Thank you, Thor." You said, trying to keep your emotions under control.

Some time later, you were broken out of your thoughts when the door to your cell opened. You came face to face with Maria Hill. She nodded at you. "Y/N."

"What's happening?" You asked her.

"You're not staying here anymore."She said. "I'll have you moved into your old room. After Nick gets back, he'll deal with this. I hope you didn't tell them anything about the mission."

You nodded. "Of course not."

"Great. Nobody is allowed to know about the mission until Nick gets back. He can decide if he'll them then."

You gulped, looking up at her. "Do they know I'm not a traitor?"

Maria shook her head. "As I said, they're not allowed to know anything. If we tell them that, we're telling them about the whole mission. I'm not allowed to say anything, unfortunately. The most I could've done without Fury's orders is free you from this cell. Come on." She held the door open for you to get out.

𝑺𝑼𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑽𝑶𝑹 | 𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒚 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝒃𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚Where stories live. Discover now