Part 4

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When deciding to stop wiping your and the Winter Soldier's memory, they didn't count on you remembering the details from your past sooner than they predicted it. You could remember your life before all of this, who you were, what your name was, and even some tiny bits about your family. Meanwhile, the soldier next to you had a harder time, due to Hydra's influence on his brain. The damage they've done to him was, by far, worse than what you'd seen done to any other soldier. But, then again, he was their best asset and they couldn't let him remember his past that easily.

You watched him walk in after he was absent for a couple of days. You thought yourself not capable to feel any emotions anymore, but when you saw him stepping in through those doors, you could feel your heart speeding up in your chest. And he wouldn't admit it, but he felt the same.

"You're back."

Without a single word, he took a seat next to you.

"Are you hurt?" You asked as he took his mask off, pushing his hair back and revealing a cut on his cheek. Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at him. "Stay here, I'll-"

"No." He said.

"Don't be stubborn. Let me, at least, clean it up."

"Fine." He replied, letting out an annoyed breath.

You grabbed the first aid kit, opening it and taking the necessary equipment to clean his cut. He didn't even wince when you desinfected the wound with alcohol. As you worked, he kept watching you, noticing you were deep in thought.

"You have something on your mind."He said.

You looked up at him, meeting his blue gaze. "It's nothing."

"Tell me."

You looked at the door, making sure nobody was there, listening to you. You got closer to him, your voice barely above a whisper. "Do you..." You took a deep breath, afraid of his reaction. "Do you ever wish to leave this place?"

He looked away from you, and you could basically see the conflict behind his eyes as he thought about it.

You shook your head. "They tell us the world is fucked up out there. But, I've been on enough missions out there to know they're lying. They're messing with our brains."

Just then, he looked at you and nodded."I've thought about it. We could try to escape."

"We?" You asked.

"I'm not leaving you here." He said as you parted from him. "I can't."

You nodded, a small smile forming on your face. "When they send us out for a mission together."

He agreed. "That's the best way. I'm going to bed. I have a mission tomorrow."

"Do you, maybe, know what's the date?"

"Tomorrow is December 16th, 1991."

"Thank you. Good night."

November, 2001

The plan about escaping Hydra wasn't as easy as you thought it would be. After the last mission your soldier had, you both were frozen, until recently. Both of you were assigned a mission, and it was to eliminate the director of SHIELD. As soon as you found yourselves out of their headquarters, you escaped.

He found you two an apartment, a quiet neighborhood. An agent you found helped you, and you settled in nice. One night, you were laid on the couch, while he was laid on the floor next to you. Despite having beds, neither of you could sleep on them. You simply weren't used to. The room was dark, except for the small light coming from the TV.

"Do you remember your life before all of this?" You asked him. He sat up, looking at your face, illuminated by the moonlight. You moved in a sitting position, making place for him to sit next to you, which he did.

"Not much." He replied.

"Do you remember your name?"

He let out a breath. "I guess... I guess I remember someone calling me Bucky."

"Bucky... " You mumbled out. "Do you remember anything else?"

"Not really." He said. "I remember I was in a war, but the faces are all blurry. What about you?"

You smiled. "I remember I had a sister. Younger sister. She... she looked like me. And I remember my name. Y/N."

"Y/N." Bucky repeated, a small smile on his face. "It suits you."

You turned around to face him, finding him already looking at you. His gaze flickered down to your lips before going back to look at your eyes. When he lowered his face towards yours, you couldn't take it anymore. You lean forward, making him wrap a hand around your neck as his lips pressed to yours in a soft kiss.

You were sat on top of the bed in your prison cell, reading your book from where you left off the other day. You could hear the sound of footsteps approaching your cell. Then, the cell opened.

"Miss Y/L/N. Pack your belongings."You heard Fury's voice again. "You'll be living in the Avengers Tower."

𝑺𝑼𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑽𝑶𝑹 ~ 𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒚 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝒃𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚Where stories live. Discover now