Part 8

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You walked into the Hydra base, brushing snow off your sleeve as you made your way down the long hallways, two agents dragging a beaten up Steve behind you. As you turned a corner, another agent stopped you, gripping his gun in his hand. "You can't go in."

"Tell your boss he'll be happy to see I captured Captain America." You said, watching as he mumbled out something into the earpiece. Then, he turned towards you, carefully looking you up and down.

"He wants to know who you are."

"Ophelia Sarkissian." You said.

He nodded, opening the door behind him and letting you in. "Welcome back, Madame Hydra."

As you walked in, the door closed, leaving you in a cold office looking room. You could feel shivers travel down your spine as the man turned in his chair to face you, one of Hydra's highest ranking officials. "Madame Hydra, you've sucessfully infiltrated SHIELD, I take it."

"Did you doubt me?"

- Three months before -

You walked into the meeting room a few minutes later than everybody else. Steve, the only one standing, glared at you as you approached them.

"Nice of you to join us, Y/N." He said, his tone harsh. "Where were you?"

You shared a look with the rest of the team, letting out a chuckle. "I changed my clothes. I'm sure Tony doesn't want me getting the whole tower dirty."

"That's right. Back off, Rogers." Tony said. "Will you finally tell us why we're here?"

"I will." Steve breathed out. "That's because I think there's a traitor on this team. Someone who gives valuable information to Hydra. And I think that person is Y/N."

"What?" You asked, letting out a laugh. "Are you serious? I don't work for Hydra. I would never even think of that after what they did to me."

Steve let out a scoff, looking at the team. "What, you don't find this suspicuous? Everything was fine before she showed up. She appears and, out of nowhere, Hydra is a threat again. That's too suspicious, if you ask me. Those guys... they knew exactly how to get in and where to look for."

"Rogers!" Tony warned.

"Steve, I think this is going too far."Natasha stood up, as well.

"Sorry, Cap." Bruce said. "I don't think Y/N is the traitor. I don't think there is a traitor on this team, at all."

"So, I'm the only one that sees the connection?" Steve asked them. "All of this started happening as soon as she got here, and I'm the only one who can see it?"

"It's Hydra. Of course they're going to come looking for her." Clint said. "She was their best soldier."

Steve looked at you, meeting your gaze. "I can't have somebody I can't trust on my team."

"Fine." You said, after finally having enough of his behaviour. "I'll talk to Fury in the morning and see what I can do."

Before any of them could argue, you turned around and walked out of the room.

The following day, Fury arrived to the tower. You found him in the meeting room as he watched the footage of those men breaking into the tower.

You cleared your throat. "I assume Steve told you what happened."

"He did." Fury said.

"And what he thinks of me."

"That, too."

"And I am ready to leave the team."

"That can't happen." Fury shortly said. You opened your mouth to argue, but the look on his face was what stopped you. He looked back at the footage.

"He doesn't trust me, and I can't stay here." You said.

"Who Captain trusts and doesn't trust is not a concern of mine. He can think whatever the hell he wants. I've worked on putting this team together and now that I've achieved perfection, you're not going anywhere. Cap will have to put his big boy pants on and deal with it. You're staying. That's final. Now, I have a mission for you."

"Who am I with?" You asked.

"No one from this team. It's about... Hydra." He said, looking up at you and closely watching your face for your reaction.

"What do I have to do?"

"You want to do it?" Fury asked.

"If it involves taking them down, I'm more than happy to do it. I've been through that hell and I don't want anyone else to go through that. What do I have to do?"

𝑺𝑼𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑽𝑶𝑹 ~ 𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒚 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝒃𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚Where stories live. Discover now