Chapter 1: Secretly Mine

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Amid the dazzling lights and adoring crowds, Antonnia, an idol stands as the epitome of fame and talent. Known for her captivating performances and charismatic presence, this idol commands the attention of millions. Yet, behind the practiced smiles and carefully curated public persona, there lies a hidden truth: she is deeply in love with Michelle.

This love, however, is concealed from the public eye. In interviews and public appearances, she maintains a facade of professional detachment, often deflecting personal questions with charm and wit. Despite the constant scrutiny, she masterfully navigated the delicate balance of their dual existence.

"Do you have a girlfriend? " Once they asked her a question.

"Yes I have. My fans. They are my girlfriends" she answer. "I love you Team A" she added

The fans dont know but this was their secret code in their relationship. Every time she says this on national tv/ public engagement, Michelle always answer her through message.

"I love you too"

"Please if I said Team, it will be you. Your code name is "A" cause I'm yours." Antonnia assure her

Her love, while hidden, is palpable in subtle ways. A fleeting glance at her phone during a quiet moment backstage, a barely perceptible smile when thinking of her beloved, or the way their eyes light up when recounting a seemingly mundane day. These small, almost imperceptible gestures speak volumes to those who know where to look.

In their art, the idol true feelings sometimes find expression. A song with lyrics that resonate with longing, a performance imbued with a depth of emotion that feels almost personal, hinting at a story untold. To the discerning fan, these moments offer glimpses into the heart of someone who, despite their public life, cherishes a private world of love and connection.

Yet, the idol remains guarded, protecting their cherished relationship from the prying eyes of the world. This concealment is not out of shame but a desire to preserve something pure and precious from the relentless demands of fame. In this delicate dance between public adoration and private affection, the idol's love story continues, hidden in plain sight.

In the dim light of her dressing room, Antonnia freshly finished with another spectacular TV performance, sits with her phone in hand. Her heart races slightly as she composes a message to her secret lover, a ritual they've developed to stay connected amidst the whirlwind of her public life.

Antonnia: "Hey, did you catch the show tonight? 😊"

She hits send and waits, her fingers tapping lightly on the vanity table. A moment later, her phone buzzes with a reply.

Michelle: "Of course! You were amazing, as always. That new song gave me chills. 💖"

A soft smile spreads across her face as she reads the message, feeling a warmth that the bright stage lights could never provide.

Antonnia: "I'm glad you liked it! I was thinking of you the whole time during that song. Did you notice the little wink I gave? 😉"

Michelle: "I did! I thought it was for me. Made my heart skip a beat. I miss you."

Antonnia's heart swells with affection, her smile widening.

Antonnia "I miss you too. It's hard being apart, but knowing you're watching makes it easier. Can't wait to see you soon."

Michelle: "Me too. Just a little longer. Proud of you, always."

She reads the message again, feeling a surge of determination and love. Their secret exchanges, though brief, provide a comforting sense of normalcy in her chaotic world.

Antonnia: "Thank you. Your support means everything to me. Sleep well, love. Talk tomorrow?"

Michelle: "Always. Sweet dreams. ❤️"

With a contented sigh, she puts her phone down, feeling a sense of closeness despite the physical distance. Their love, though hidden, shines brightly in these stolen moments of connection.
The idol is in her hotel room, high above a bustling city, somewhere in the middle of her world tour. Exhaustion tugs at her, but excitement overpowers it as she picks up her phone to message her secret lover, eager to share the day's experiences and the news she's been holding onto.

Antonnia: "Hey, I miss you. Guess what? We're adding more dates to the tour! I'm going to places I never dreamed of visiting."

She sends the message and waits, her heart beating a little faster. Her phone buzzes almost immediately.

Michelle:"Wow, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you! Which new places?"

Antonnia: "Tokyo, Paris, Rio... and a few surprises. Can you believe it? It's surreal."

Michelle: "It's incredible. You deserve all of this. How are you feeling about it?"

Antonnia: "Excited but a little overwhelmed. I wish you were here to share it with me."

There's a pause before the next message arrives, and she imagines her lover taking a deep breath, carefully choosing the right words.

Michelle: "I wish I could be there too. I'm with you in spirit, every step of the way. You've got this. And I'll be watching every show I can online."

She smiles, feeling a warmth that makes the vast distance between them seem a little smaller.

Antonnia: "Thank you. Your support means everything to me. It's what keeps me going."

Michelle: "Always here for you. Make sure to take care of yourself too, okay? Don't burn out."

Antonnia: "I will, promise. I can't wait to tell you all about it when I get back. And hopefully, we'll find a moment to steal away somewhere beautiful."

Michelle: "Definitely. I'm counting the days. Until then, just keep being amazing. Love you."

Antonnia: "Love you too. Talk soon, okay?"

Michelle: "Always. Sweet dreams."

She puts her phone down, feeling a mix of excitement and longing. The world tour is demanding, but these conversations give her strength. Each message is a reminder of the love waiting for her, a secret anchor amidst the whirlwind of her public life.


In a brightly lit studio, she sits across from the interviewer, the cameras rolling and the audience watching intently. She's in the middle of her world tour, and this interview is part of the promotional whirlwind. The questions have been routine-about her latest album, her favorite places to visit, and her inspirations.

Interviewer: "You've been incredibly busy with your world tour. How do you manage to stay grounded with such a hectic schedule?"

Antonnia: (smiling) "Well, it's not easy, but I try to stay connected with the things and people that matter most to me."

Interviewer: "That sounds important. Can you share a bit more about what keeps you grounded? Friends, family... perhaps someone special?"

Antonnia: (laughs softly, a little nervous) "Yes, definitely my friends and family. And, um, there's someone special. A fan, actually."

Interviewer: "A fan? That's intriguing! Can you tell us more about this special someone?"

My Lover Is AN(tonnia) OAWhere stories live. Discover now