XVII: Acceptance

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The days following the breakup were a blur of pain and confusion for Antonnia. She found it impossible to concentrate on work, her thoughts constantly drifting back to Michelle. Each night, she turned to alcohol, trying to numb the ache in her heart. Her manager, growing increasingly worried, decided to intervene.

The manager picks up the phone.  "Hello, I need to speak with you. Antonnia is in bad shape. She's drunk and wasted every day. Where are you?"

Michelle's voice sounds distant. "I'm still in Thailand. What's going on?"

"She's falling apart without you. She can’t focus on her work, and I'm worried about her health."

She sigh. "I never wanted this to happen. I thought a break would help her, but it’s tearing her apart."

After the emotional conversation with the manager, Michelle was left feeling torn and distraught. Hearing Antonnia in such pain was unbearable. The next day, she decided to step in and try to convince her to accept the offer.

Michelle POV

I felt the weight of our recent decisions, approached Antonnia's apartment. I took a deep breath before knocking, my heart heavy with anticipation and regret. When the door opened, I was met with the sight of her, visibly drunk and disheveled.

Antonnia sobs. "You came back... I thought I lost you forever." She whisper. "I love you so much. I don’t want to lose you."

"You won’t. I still here for you. But you need to think about what’s best for both of us in the long run. This project is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You’ve worked so hard to get to this point."

"I’m not going. I don’t care about the project anymore." she said bitterly

"I will be here when you get back. We can make it work. And in the meantime, we’ll figure out a way to manage everything. But you have to be willing to take the chance."

She nods slowly. "Alright. I’ll do it. I’ll accept the offer. But only if you knows that I’m doing it for us, for our future."

Without uttering another word, Antonnia staggered towards me and, in a desperate and passionate embrace, kissed  me. The kiss was filled with raw emotion, a mix of longing, pain, and love. We stumbled inside, the door closing behind us as our kisses grew more intense.

Antonnia's hands trembled as she touched my face, her voice choked with emotion, "I thought I lost you."

My tears welling up in my eyes, whispered back, "I’m here. I never left you."

Our words were few, but our actions spoke volumes. We moved towards the bedroom, our kisses becoming more fervent, our touches more urgent. It was as if we were trying to make up for every moment of pain and separation, holding each other as if it were our last chance.

The night was a blur of passion and tenderness. We made love with a fervor that was almost desperate, holding each other tightly, afraid to let go. Each kiss, each touch, was a silent promise that we would endure, that our love was stronger.

Hours later, as the dawn began to break, we lay entwined in each other’s arms, our breaths slowly returning to normal. Antonnia gently brushed my  hair away from my face, looking into my eyes with a mix of love and sorrow.

"We’ll get through this,"she whispered.  "Together."

I nodded, my heart aching with the intensity of my emotions. "Always," I replied softly.

"Goodnight love, I promise I will wait for you" I said with tears in my eyes

Antonnia drifted into an exhausted but contented sleep, she wrapped her arms around me.

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