Chapter IV: Flirt

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Michelle POV

Antonnia takes a deep breath, her hand subtly squeezing mine for reassurance before she lets go.

"This is Michelle Marquez Dee. She's going to be my new assistant."

The manager raises an eyebrow, clearly surprised but maintaining a professional demeanor.

"Your new assistant? I wasn't aware you were looking for one."

"I know it's sudden, but Michelle is incredibly capable and organized. I trust her completely. Plus, with the busy schedule ahead, I need someone I can rely on."

The manager looks between us, sensing there's more to the story but choosing to focus on the practicalities.

"I see. Well, if you believe she can handle the responsibilities, then that's what matters. Welcome aboard, Michelle."

"Thank you. I promise to do my best." I smiles

With formalities out of the way, the manager and Antonnia discuss upcoming schedules and tasks, while I listens attentively, absorbing every detail. Antonnia occasionally glances at me, her heart swelling with both pride and affection.

As the meeting wraps up, the manager heads to the door, turning back with a final piece of advice.

"Just remember, discretion is key. The last thing we need is rumors flying around."

"Absolutely. We'll be careful."

The door closes, leaving  Antonnia and me alone once more. We exchange a relieved smile, the tension of the moment dissolving.

"That went better than I expected. Are you ready for this?"

"As long as I'm with you, I'm ready for anything."

We share a tender kiss, the weight of the world momentarily lifting as we hold each other close. This new arrangement promises challenges, but she feels a renewed sense of strength and determination knowing her will be by my side.

Together, we step into their new roles, ready to face whatever comes our way. The professional façades we present to the world is merely a cover for the deep, abiding love we share-a love that gives us the courage to navigate our complex lives, always finding our way back to each other.

Antonnia POV

I sit across from my manager, who looks more serious than usual. My  new/secret lover
assistant Michelle has just stepped out to run an errand, leaving the two of us alone.

"I need to ask you something important." my manager asks

My heart skips a beat, but I keep my expression calm, nodding.

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

The manager leans forward, eyes narrowing slightly.

"It's about your new assistant. Something doesn't quite add up."

My pulse quickens, but I maintains a casual demeanor.

"What do you mean?"

"You brought Michelle on board very suddenly, without consulting anyone. And there's something about the way you two interact. It's... different."

I take a deep breath, choosing my words carefully.

"I know it was a sudden decision, but I trust her completely. She's incredibly capable, and I needed someone I could rely on without hesitation."

The manager's gaze remains sharp, unyielding.

"That may be true, but there's more to it, isn't there? I've seen the way you look at each other. It's not just professional. Are you in a relationship with her?"

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