Chapter XII: Loser

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Antonnia POV

We sit in silence for a moment, drawing strength from each other's presence. I take a deep breath, feeling her support.

"Let's not let this ruin our morning. How about we make some breakfast and forget about the outside world for a bit?"

"Sounds perfect."

We relax together on the couch, scrolling through the latest gossip online. The headlines about me dating another celebrity are relentless and frustrating.

"I can't stand these rumors. They're getting everything wrong."

"I know. But we have to be careful. Management will flip if we do anything rash."

"I just can't let them think I'm with someone else. It's unfair to you and to us."

I glance at Michelle's hand, resting gently on her knee, and an idea forms in my mind. Without thinking it through, I quickly took a picture of her hand, focusing on the unique bracelet I had given as a gift. She looks up, confused.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm posting this. It'll deny the rumors without giving too much away."

Before Michelle can protest, I upload the photo to my social media with a caption that reads:

"Always close to my heart. Ignore the rumors."

The response is almost immediate, with fans and media outlets buzzing over the mysterious post. The comments explode with speculation about the true identity of the hand, but many note the clear denial of the current rumors.

"You posted it without talking to management or me? What if this backfires?"

My initial confidence wavers, realizing the potential consequences.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it through. I just wanted to set the record straight."

"I understand, but we need to be more careful. This could cause more problems than it solves."

Just then, my phone rings. It's my manager. She takes a deep breath and answers.

"What were you thinking? Posting something like that without consulting us?"

"I couldn't stand the rumors. I needed to show the truth."

"We understand your frustration, but this is reckless. We need to manage your image carefully. We'll have to deal with the fallout now."

I sigh, feeling the weight of my impulsive decision.

"I'm sorry. I'll be more careful next time."

"We'll discuss this further tomorrow. For now, take the post down."

After hanging up, I look at my lover apologetically.

"I'm really sorry. I should have talked to you first."

"I appreciate that you want to protect us, but we need to be smarter about it. We're in this together, remember?"

"I promise, no more impulsive posts. We'll handle this together, properly."

I take down the post, hoping the damage isn't too severe.


In the quiet of their apartment, Antonnia paces back and forth, her phone clutched tightly in her hand. The scandalous rumors about her supposed relationship with another idol are growing more intense, and it's affecting her real relationship .

Determined to put an end to the speculation, she decides to contact the other involved in the rumor.

She dials the number, her heart racing. After a few rings, the other Irfan picks up.

My Lover Is AN(tonnia) OAWhere stories live. Discover now