Chapter V: Care

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Antonnia POV

In the bustling backstage area of a concert venue, I pace back and forth, a pout on my lips and a furrowed brow. Michelle, who now as my assistant, is nowhere to be seen, and I can't help but feel restless and whiny without her.

"Hey, we need to go over the setlist for tonight. Can you focus for a minute?"

I let out an exaggerated sigh, crossing my arms in defiance.

"But I want Michelle here. She always helps me with this stuff."

"She's busy handling some other tasks right now. You can do this on your own."

I huffs, feeling like a child being scolded.

"Fine, but I don't want to."

I reluctantly go through the setlist with my manager, but my heart isn't in it. I keep glancing around, hoping to catch a glimpse of my lover.

However, when my Michelle finally arrives, my demeanor changes instantly. I straighten up, a bright smile on my face, and I become surprisingly obedient to my manager's commands.

"We need to finalize the choreography for the new song. Can you come with me?"

"Of course, let's go!."

I followed my manager without complaint, my eyes sparkling with enthusiasm now that Michelle is by my side.

Later, when we were alone, I leaned close to her , my earlier whininess forgotten.

"I missed you. Don't ever leave me alone like that again."

Michelle chuckles, wrapping her arms around me.

"I'm sorry, I had to take care of some things. But I'm here now."

I nuzzles into her embrace, feeling content and secure once again. With her  beside me, I feel like I can handle anything—even the most boring manager meetings.

In the high-energy environment of the entertainment agency, my day is packed with meetings, rehearsals, and public appearances.

Michelle, is always by my side, managing my hectic schedule and ensuring everything runs smoothly. However, my attentive and caring demeanor towards her starts to raise eyebrows among my colleagues.

Michelle POV

One busy afternoon, we are preparing for a photoshoot. I was meticulously organizing outfits and coordinating with the stylist, while Antonnia is getting her makeup done. As the session progresses, Antonnia notices me looking a bit overwhelmed.

"Hey, you okay? You look like you could use a break."

"I'm fine, just a lot to handle today." I smiles

"Take a few minutes to rest. You're doing an amazing job."

I nod gratefully, slipping away to grab a quick coffee. Antonnia's makeup artist, who has been watching the exchange, raises an eyebrow.

"You're really sweet to her. Not all celebrities treat their assistants that way."

"She works hard. It's important to take care of the people who take care of you." Antonnia smiles

As I return, Antonnia stands and walks over, handing me a bottle of water.

"Here, stay hydrated. It's easy to forget when you're busy."

"Thanks. I appreciate it."

Our interaction doesn't go unnoticed by the crew, who exchange curious glances. Later, during a break in the shoot, I was reviewing the schedule when the Antonnia approached me with a plate of snacks.

"You need to eat something. You've been running around all day."

"Thanks, but you don't have to worry about me." I was blushing

"I do, though. You're important."

Nearby, the photographer and stylist exchange knowing looks, whispering quietly.

"Have you noticed how attentive she is to her assistant? It's almost like she cares more than usual." The photographer whispers on the stylist

"Yeah, it's definitely not typical boss-assistant behavior. Makes you wonder if there's something more."

Throughout the day,  Antonnia's caring actions continue to attract attention. When I was lugging heavy equipment, Antonnia steps in to help me, despite the objections of our colleagues.

"I can handle this. You shouldn't have to do it alone."

"But you have your own things to manage."

"It's fine. We're a team."

Our teamwork and mutual support start to become the subject of office gossip. During a lunch break, a group of colleagues gather, discussing the unusual dynamic.

"Do you think there's something going on between them? She's always so protective and attentive."

"Maybe. It's not just professional; there's definitely a personal connection."

Despite the whispers, we continue to work seamlessly together, our bond growing stronger each day. Antonnia's genuine concern and care for me not only highlights her kind nature but also deepens the unspoken connection between us.

As the day winds down and we return to the office, I glance around, noticing the lingering looks from our coworkers.

"People are starting to talk, you know."

"Let them. What matters is that we support each other. I'll always have your back."

"And I'll always have yours."

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