Chapter XV: Talk

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They fall asleep in each other's arms, the remnants of their passionate night leaving them both with a sense of deep contentment and unspoken promises of many more nights like this to come.

In the soft glow of their bedroom, they lie entwined, basking in the afterglow of their night together. Antonnia traces lazy patterns on Michelle arm, her mind drifting to a story she's always found fascinating.

"Have you ever heard of the red string theory?" Antonnia asks

Michelle tilts her head, curiosity in her eyes.

"No, what's that?"

She smiles, her eyes shining with a mixture of excitement and tenderness.

"It's a Japanese legend. It says that an invisible red string connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. This string can stretch or tangle, but it will never break."

"That sounds beautiful. Do you think it applies to us?"

She nods, her expression growing serious and heartfelt.

"I do. Think about it. We come from such different worlds. You were leading a normal life, and I was in the spotlight, constantly surrounded by people. Yet, somehow, we found each other."

"It's true. It does seem like fate, doesn't it?" she smiles softly

"Exactly. Despite everything-the secrecy, the challenges, the risks we take to be together-it feels like we were meant to find each other. Like that invisible red string was pulling us together all along."

"And no matter how much it stretches or tangles, it'll never break?"

"Yes. Just like us. We've faced so many obstacles, but our love remains strong. I believe we're connected by that red string." she says while nodding

Michelle's eyes fill with emotion, and she reaches up to gently touch the Antonnia's face.

"I love that. It makes everything we've gone through feel even more special."

"It does, doesn't it? It's like we were always meant to be together, no matter what."

"So, if I ever get lost, I just have to follow the red string back to you?" Michelle said in teasingly

Antonnia laughs softly, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"Exactly. And I'll always be there, waiting at the other end."

They share a quiet moment, the weight of the legend settling comfortably around them, giving their love an almost magical quality.

Antonnia takes her lover's hand, holding it tightly as if feeling the invisible string that binds them.

"No matter what happens, we'll always find our way back to each other. I promise."

"And I promise too. Because I believe in our red string."

Michelle POV

The room is quiet, filled only with the sound of our breathing. I shifts slightly, propping myself up on one elbow to look into her eyes. There's a hint of hesitation in my voice as I ask her question that's been on my mind.

"What do you think could ever break us up? If anything?"

Antonnia's expression turns serious, and she takes a deep breath, considering the question carefully. She reaches out to hold my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Honestly, it's hard to imagine anything that could truly tear us apart. But I think... if we ever stopped communicating, stopped trusting each other, that could put us at risk."

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