Chapter XIII: Dream

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Michelle POV

As we moved further from the clubhouse, I looked up at her, a mix of emotions in my eyes.

"I can’t believe you did that. What if this gets out of hand?"

"Let it. I’m tired of hiding how much I love you. We’ll face whatever comes together." she smiles warmly

"But your career…"

"My career will survive. And if it doesn’t, at least I’ll have been true to myself and to us."

We continued walking, Antonnia’s resolve was stronger than ever. I leaned into her, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and love.

"Thank you. I love you so much."

"I love you too. We’ll get through this, no matter what." she kissed my forehead

As we continued to walk away from the clubhouse, Antonnia could sense the lingering worry in my eyes. We found a quiet bench under a large tree, its leaves rustling softly in the evening breeze. She gently guided me  to sit down beside her.

"Hey, look at me." as she takes my hands in hers

I looked up, my eyes filled with concern and a touch of fear.

"I know you're worried about what just happened and what it might mean for us, but I need you to understand something very important."

"What’s that?"

"You my love, has nothing to do with my work. The two are separate. My career is built on my talent, hard work, and dedication. Being with you doesn’t change that. If anything, you make me stronger and more focused." she squeezed my hands reassuringly

"But what about the fans and the media? They can be so harsh and judgmental."

"Let them talk. Fans who truly care about me will understand and support us. And as for the media, they thrive on drama. We don’t owe them any explanations or our happiness."

My eyes softened, but my worry still lingered.

"I just don’t want to be the reason you lose everything you’ve worked for."

"You’re not a reason to lose anything. You’re a reason to gain so much more. Love, happiness, a real life outside of my spotlight. You ground me in a way no one else can." as she caress my cheek

"But if things get really bad…"

"Then we’ll face it together. We’ll figure it out one step at a time. I’m not giving up on us, no matter what."

I let out a deep breath, a small smile creeping onto my lips.

"You always know how to make me feel better."

"Because I mean every word. You’re my priority, and nothing’s going to change that."

We sat in comfortable silence for a moment, words slowly sinking in. I leaned my head on Antonnia's shoulder, feeling a weight lift off my chest.

"Thank you. I needed to hear that."

"Anytime. We’re in this together, remember?"


We shared a tender kiss, sealing our promise to face whatever challenges came out way.

As we walked back to our car, hand in hand, my heart swelled with a mix of love and determination.

Antonnia sits at a large conference table, flanked by her manager and a few key members of her team. The air is tense as they discuss the latest scandal that's been swirling around her supposed relationship with Irfan. Her manager did not know what happened yesterday at the golf course

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