Chapter IX: Room

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Antonnia POV

In the cozy of our living room of our apartment, Michelle and I, are sprawled on the couch, deeply engrossed in a game of Mobile Legends. My competitive spirit is in full swing as I navigate my character through the virtual battlefield.

"Take that! I got the final kill!" I was grinning teasing Michelle

Michelle chuckles, enjoying the sight of my triumphant expression.

"You're really getting good at this."

"Of course! I'm a natural."

But as the game progresses and we move on to the next match, the tide turns, and I find myself on the losing end. Michelle expertly maneuvers her character, landing the final blow that ends the game.

"Looks like I won this round."

I pout, my earlier confidence replaced with a childish sulk.

"No fair! You always beat me when it matters."

Michelle laughs, finding my antics endearing.

"It's just a game, love. Want to play another round?"

I cross my arms, sticking out my lower lip in a mock pout.

"Only if you promise to go easy on me this time."

Michelle leans in, planting a quick kiss on my forehead.

"I promise to be gentle."

We start another match, my focus sharpening as I try to outplay my lover. When I score a crucial victory, I make a playful face, sticking out my tongue and winking.

"Ha! Got you this time!"

Michelle laughs, shaking her head.

"Okay, okay, you win this one."

But when the tables turn again and I lose, I revert to my childish demeanor, dramatically flopping back on the couch.

"I give up! You're too good at this."

Michelle pulls me close, wrapping an arm around me.

"You're a great player, too. Besides, it's more fun playing with you, win or lose."

I snuggle into her embrace, my earlier frustration melting away.

"Fine, but I'm picking the next game."


We continue to play, laughing and teasing each other, our playful banter filling the room.

Despite my competitive streak and occasional childish outbursts, the love and camaraderie we share make every game an enjoyable experience.


Michelle POV

In the dimly lit living room of our apartment, Antonnia giggles uncontrollably, swaying slightly as she clutches a half-empty bottle of champagne. I watch her with my amusement and affection.

"Can you believe it? We did it! My song is a hit!" she was giggling

"Yes, you did amazing. I'm so proud of you." I was smiling

Antonnia stumbles over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I couldn't have done it without you, you know."

"I just helped a little."I laughs

Antonnia plants a sloppy kiss on my cheek before pulling away with a mischievous grin.

My Lover Is AN(tonnia) OAWhere stories live. Discover now