Chapter VI : Porshield

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Michelle PoV

In the whirlwind of our professional lives, Antonnia's constant care and attention towards me as an assistant stand out, hinting at the deeper, secret bond we share. While the world sees just an idol and her dedicated assistant, those who look closer can sense the love and affection that bind us, adding a layer of intrigue to our working relationship.

In the vibrant, bustling atmosphere of the entertainment agency, Antonnia is in the middle of a busy day, juggling meetings, rehearsals, and fan interactions. I am always nearby, managing the countless details that keep her career on track.

During a break between meetings, I and Antonnia are reviewing schedules and upcoming tasks. We share a few private, meaningful glances, careful to maintain our professional façade in front of others. Suddenly, one of our colleagues, Mark, approaches us with a casual smile.

"Hey, Michelle, you're always so busy taking care of everything around here. Do you ever have time for a social life?"

I laugh lightly, trying to brush off the question.

"I manage to find time here and there."

"Well, I was wondering if you're single. Maybe we could grab a coffee sometime?"

Antonnia's head snaps up, her eyes narrowing slightly. A flicker of annoyance crosses her face, and she struggles to maintain her composure. I glance at her, sensing the tension.

"Mark, MICHELLE DANIELA MARQUEZ DEE is very busy with work. We don't have time for distractions right now." with a sharp edge in her voice

Mark looks taken aback by the idol's tone, raising his hands in mock surrender.

"Whoa, I didn't mean to overstep. Just thought I'd ask."

I, trying to ease the situation, gives a polite smile.

"Thanks, Mark, but I'm really focused on work right now."

Mark nods, sensing the discomfort, and walks away. Antonnia watches him go, her jaw set, before turning to me with a softer expression.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. But you seemed pretty upset."

Antonnia takes a deep breath, her eyes softening as she looks at me.

"I just didn't like the way he was talking to you. It bothered me."

"I know, but we have to be careful. We can't let anyone suspect anything."

"I'm sorry. I just... it's hard to hide how I feel sometimes."

I reach out, touching her arm gently.

"I understand. But we need to stay professional, at least while we're here."

She nods, her frustration easing at the reassuring touch.

"You're right. I'll try to keep my cool."

As we return to our work, I notice a few colleagues glancing at our way, curiosity evident in their eyes. The moment between me and Mark hasn't gone unnoticed, and whispers begin to circulate.

Later that day, during a team meeting, another colleague makes a light-hearted comment, trying to gauge the situation.

"So, Michelle, any plans for the weekend? Maybe a date?"

Antonnia tenses again, but I respond smoothly, keeping the conversation neutral.

"Just catching up on some rest and maybe a good book. Nothing too exciting."

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