XVIII: Missing You

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"Hey everyone, thank you for joining our IG live! We're excited to answer your questions today." Antonnia says

"Yeah, feel free to ask us anything! We're here to have some fun." her rumored girlfriend second the motion

Comments start pouring in

"Are you two really dating?"

Antonnia notices a comment: Thank you for showing  me the thing I needed to finally move forward on. How easily can duplicate
what I thought was unique to us"

She pauses, looks closer at the screen, and frowns slightly. "Um, is that you, Mich..."almost saying the name ". I mean, who wrote that?"

Her rumored girlfriend is trying to cover. "Oh, lots of people are happy for us. Right, everyone?"

Antonnia is visibly annoyed but quickly recovers. "Yeah... right. Anyway, my real girlfriend is actually all of you, my amazing fans. I love you all so much. I love you.... still Team A"

"Aww, that's sweet! We're all one big happy family here."

She is still distracted, "So, what other questions do you have for us?"

Antonnia remains visibly grumpy and distracted, glancing at the comments frequently, waiting to confirm if Michelle was really in the comment section

Antonnia notices the IG user who comment on it  absence and gets even more grumpy.

"You seem a bit off today. Is everything okay?"

She sighs "Just a lot on my mind. But let's keep the questions coming." But she hopes Michelle got her secret message

"Yeah, let's keep the energy up! We're here to have fun, remember?" her rumored girlfriend says

She barely holding back frustration "Right. Fun.".

Michelle, watching the IG live, smiles widely as she realizes Antonnia's relationship with the rumored girlfriend is fake. She quickly logs out of the IG live.


Michelle POV

It had been six months since Antonnia left for her training in South Korea, and not a single update had surfaced since she boarded that flight. I was left in a void, aching for any news, any sign that she was okay.

Every little thing reminded her: the scent of her perfume lingering in the apartment, the favorite foods we used to share, and the quiet hum of songs we loved.

One evening, the weight of the silence became unbearable. I sat on the couch, clutching a worn-out sweater that still carried her scent. Tears streamed down my face as memories flooded back, each one more vivid and painful than the last.

"I miss you," I whispered, my voice breaking. "I miss your jealousy, I miss your whiney voice," I continued, my words barely audible through my sobs. "I miss you, my silly love."

The emptiness of the apartment echoed my sorrow. I could almost hear Antonnia's playful laughter, see her childish pout when things didn't go her way, and feel the warmth of her embrace. Every corner of the room held a memory, a fragment of the life we had built together.

My heart ached with the weight of longing. I replayed our moments together in my mind, hoping that somewhere, somehow, Antonnia felt the same void. The nights were the hardest, lying in bed, the silence a constant reminder of the absence of my love.

"I miss you," I said again, my voice a desperate plea into the void. "I miss everything about you. Come back to me."

The longing, the pain, the memories-we all became a part of me, a constant reminder of the love we once shared and the hope that someday, we might find our way back to each other.

My Lover Is AN(tonnia) OAWhere stories live. Discover now