Chapter X: Special

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In a packed concert hall, the atmosphere is electric with anticipation. The crowd buzzes with excitement, waiting for  Antonnia to take the stage. Backstage, she takes a deep breath, her heart pounding with a mix of nerves and excitement. She knows that among the thousands of fans, Michelle is watching from a discreet spot, blending in with the audience.

As the lights dim and the music starts, she steps onto the stage, greeted by a deafening roar of applause. She smiles, waving to the fans, but her eyes quickly scan the crowd, searching for that familiar face. Finally, she spots her , standing near the back, and her heart swells with warmth and love.

The show begins, and she pours her heart into every song, her voice carrying the emotions she feels so deeply. She can't help but steal glances at her,  her eyes lighting up each time they meet.

Midway through the concert, during a brief pause between songs, she takes a moment to interact with the audience.

"You guys are amazing tonight! I feel so much love in this room. It’s like… almost like someone special is here."

The crowd cheers, not quite catching the hidden meaning in her words. She grins, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"You know, I think there might be someone in the building who's very important to me. But don't worry, I won’t tell you who. That’s my little secret."

The audience laughs, thinking it’s just part of her playful banter, but Michelle knows exactly what she means. Antonnia's eyes lock with hers for a split second, a private message passing between them.

As the concert continues, the idol’s performance is more passionate than ever, each song infused with the depth of her feelings. She sings directly to Michelle, the lyrics carrying a special meaning only the two of them understand.

In one particularly heartfelt ballad, her eyes find her lover’s again, and she holds the gaze, her voice filled with emotion.

  "Every moment without you feels like a lifetime, but here you are, making everything alright."

The crowd sways to the music, unaware of the personal significance behind her words. Michelle feels a tear slip down her cheek, touched by the raw emotion and the special connection they share, even in a room full of strangers.

As the concert draws to a close, Antonnia takes a final bow, her eyes searching out her  one last time. She blows a kiss to the audience, but in her heart, she knows it’s meant for that one special person.

Backstage, as the applause dies down, she heads to her dressing room, her heart racing with anticipation. She opens the door to find Michelle waiting for her, a look of pride and love in her eyes.

"You were incredible out there."

Thank you. It’s because you were here. I couldn’t take my eyes off you."

They share a quiet, tender moment, the noise of the concert hall fading away as they bask in each other’s presence. For now, they are together, their secret love a precious and beautiful thing they cherish above all else.

Michelle PoV

In a secluded corner of a cozy café, Antonnia sits across from me. We're enjoying a rare moment of privacy, trying to savor our time together despite the challenges. However, Antonnia can't shake off the feeling of hopelessness as fans keep approaching us, despite her attempts at disguise.

"I'm sorry, I thought we could have some time alone."

"It's okay, we'll make the most of it. Just being with you is enough for me."

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